Halo 2!

Who else here is happy Halo 2 is finally out? I don’t have an X-Box, but my friend does, and he pre-ordered Halo 2…and went out a midnight last night to collect it. While I should have been studying for end of year exams…I took a “break” to go play Halo (2)
What can I say? It rocks.

I guess if you feel the need you can turn this into a big flame war between those loyal to x-box and those PS2, though lets try keep it on topic - HALO 2!

Re: Halo 2!

Metroid Prime: Echoes…Nov 15th

Talking to Tim, he is happily playing Halo 2 (Special Edition) on Jagur’s old XBox.

I haven’t had a minute to think since GTA III San Andreas came out. My thumbs are cramping! Aggh!

oh cool, is that out allready? another goodey im thinking.

halo’s pretty neat, but not even close to what’s being done for the PC. quake 3 arena is still the champion of multiplayer deathmatch/capture the flag.

I got Halo 2 today. I pitty the fool who preorders.

im sure halo 2 will be awesome. althoug Most people play hAlo on xbox and im the only one playing on the computer. oh well.

I’m going to wait for it to come out on PC, so I can just download it.

just got halo today, i was literaly running to my house after school to play it. man it is a good game, ive never played anything better. i like how they put more time into making the scenery much more dramatic.

I’ve spent the entire day playing Halo 2 on Co-Op with my girlfriend. How sweet… :slight_smile:

Woowwwww, a girl that likes video games? Whodathunkit!?

No, really! I got such a huge woody when my g/f went out and bought a PS2. Now I’m moving in with her.

Wait… did she just pull a fast one on me? D’oh!

i cant beleive your girlfreind likes videogames, thats awsome

Re: Re: Halo 2!

Ah I’m going to become a shut in with GTA, Halo, Prime and Snake Eater.

Its really number 5 but the 3rd of the next gen systems.

I hate that you would do that.

Yeah I’m a video game nerd.

We got it. Preordered. Ryan preordered 10, and he works at the video game store. So when the customers asked for one and the store was all out, he could make a few bucks by selling them at 150% since everywhere is out.

Has anyone beaten it. I beat it on the first day, and if you beat it on legandary the final movie doesn’t chang unlike halo 1, that sucks.

my friend got his at midnight too. he actually skipped school the next day just so he could play it all day :slight_smile:


You know what really sucks about halo 2. When your playin cooperative, if one person dies you have to go to the last checkpoint(legendary), ohhh no my teammate died I surrender, please dont hurt me. :thinking:

I love how you can be the Covenent. It’s nice to have two seperate storylines that link up with eachother, and how you can get two different veiw points on something.