
Does anyone know how to make costumes? Like a full body costume, I wanna be a unicycle riding banana, hell ya!! So if anyone could tell me like what materials and all that fun stuff. That would be great!

Why don’t you just use a whole lot of real banannas? I think that would rock!


For having a good form you could try a costume made from camp pads (that foam stuff). It’s also used for recumbent bike tails, so why not a nice foam banana with you inside? :slight_smile:
Can be glued relatively easily and it’s cheap.



I want to look like this, but maybe without the pajama’s.


I can’t believe you suggested that! How indecent! Naked unicycling bananas…

That’s B1. Our own Bananas in Pajamas. Created here in Australia. But Where’s B2. I’d wish you luck Itemno530.


Here’s B1 and B2, they’re plotting something, I forget though…


I think one of the best halloween costumes for a unicyclist would be a wheelbarrel. You would have to build a barrel with handles around the crown of the unicycle and maybe have some fake rocks to fill up the barrel and hide your legs.

Tom Copeland

speaking of halloween, last year I was a duck and this year I need to surpass that custume with something funnier. I would prefer if I could make it myself, well with mommies help, I’m not that good at sewing and stuff. And it has to be appropriate because I’m wearing it to school. Thanks


What a scary post!

That’s wheelbarrow.

Why don’t you try being a gelatineous cube, that’s always fun. :smiley:

The Tart with the Cart

In Dublin’s fair city where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
Where she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh”.
Alive, alive oh, alive, alive oh,
Crying, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh”.

She was a fishmonger and sure 'twas no wonder
For so were her father and mother before
And they both wheeled their barrows
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh”

She died of a fever and no one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
But her ghost wheels her barrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh”


What does that brass statue have to do with this? I want bananas!!

Costume, costume…


Well, if you had a Krazy Karpet, cotton, a house coat belt and some fake blood, you could make this costume.

(I went out to the bar wearing this and got a pretty good response from alot of people!)

(We were Raggity Anne and Rag)

I wanna get a Guyver costume, that would be cool… a Unicycling Guyver, how sweet would that be!

“Why don’t you just use a whole lot of real banannas?”
quote Daino

great idea then if you get hungry or need an energy boost it’s right on your doorstep!