Halloween costumes!

Post your HALLOWEEN costume PICS and IDEAS here!

I’m planning on being a Demon Unicyclist >=) I’ll post a pick once I get all the materials

i won´t celebrate halloween…:slight_smile:

why not? lol

i might dress up in a wifebeater and a pair of ripped pants or something. Idk, that or napoleon dynomite.

i’ll think of something.

I sorta want to go as Rick Astley this year. Gotta find a way to always be playing “Never gonna give you up” at a nice volume and with easy controls to be able to start and stop it at will that isn’t visible to anyone but me.

because here in gemany you don´t celebrate it that much as you do in america and i´m at a protestant convention facility (don´t know if you call it that way) so we maybe remember the reformation day a bit…idk…but no halloween celebrating :slight_smile:

I’m gonna dress up as either santa or the easter bunny.:stuck_out_tongue: Seriously, a bunch if uni riders should do that “zombie” thing, like that awesome video that was posted here while back. Somebody should post that link again, it was pretty cool! :sunglasses:

Edit: Here it is!

Wtf, I had that idea like 3 weeks ago. You copy-catter.

last year i was a ninja. this year i am thinking of being a robber.

Bam bam:

and my girlfreinds costume:

i wear my homemade ghillie suit and go as a bush. it always gets laughs.

some quite random costums, i thought the idea was to wear something scary

we cant have masks in our school also.

It is…but who ever said that a giant hamburger wasn’t scary?

Now THAT’S scary!
You should see Jacko WITH a mask! :astonished:

That freaking awesome! who did it?

The unicycle bastards.

If it goes as planned, im going to be a banana, and someone else will be in a gorilla suit, and we will unicycle the town, and I will be chased.

Or im going to the cornmaze, or a party or two.

As long as I get lots of candy, then im happy.

Nice banana idea! Perhaps you should try and do the corn maze while unicycling :wink:
