Halloween Costumes 2008!

Hey everyone, lets see your Halloween costume! I actually don’t have one this year, so unless I run out now and go buy something, I wont have a picture up. But, im sure some of you here will still have something.

Ill turn this into a ‘Best Costume’ contest once we get some content in here.

Happy Halloween!

I’m dressed as me… thats enough to scare any one!

Actually I haven’t been out tonight, I can’t be bothered.

I’ll have a picture of mine up at most by tomorrow evening I hope. I can’t find my camera, so i’m hoping i can barrow someone elses.

In 04, I was a Bush supporter. I’ll be a McCain supporter this year.

If that became my sig, you’d have quite a rep to live down.

You have to see it in context. Goats wanted to be scary!

Nurse Trixie desperately wanted to escape from her tiny prison and run amok among the populace. It will take strong medication throughout the evening to keep society safe from her.

I’m wearing…glowsticks attached to my uni spokes, Glow in the dark hockey mask, my angry Friday shirt(grim reaper themed t-shirt, I’ve worn it every Friday for the last 3 months), fishing cap, brown semi-winter gloves, and a kid’s baseball bat.

Over about 100rpm the lights on my spokes look really cool, too.

I toured the town, rode down almost every street. It’s interesting to note that while the huge crowds hit the suburbs, the best decorated houses are in the nearly dark side streets(parties excepted).

Got some interesting comments, no stupid ones besides that one circus theme, but the non-musical critique even that guy had wasn’t bad.
My favorite was(pedaling my brains out with 89mm cranks on a 24"), " Slow down, you’ll get a speeding ticket!"
Over about 100rpm the lights on my spokes look really cool, too.

Also, I was mistaken for some bloke named Alex… :thinking:

Well, im home from part one of halloween night, and I ended up dressing up. May not be suitable in here, but oh well. Ive posted worse in MR. Kinda.

Surprisingly, I got a lot of girls attention, which lead to some fun. Also got lots of candy.

Home resting and eating a bit, then part 2 starts, and I wont be home until 8am tomorrow morning. So Ill post stuff up then.

This is my costume. I went as the front man for a boy band.


Mines going to compete with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

i go as a bush every year. if i post it it’ll be tomorrow or somethin.

Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

wow thats the scariest picture ive ever seen :astonished:

I went as… a homeless hobo, not really a stretch. Then my home (read jeep) got totaled when some guy hit me and I really was homeless.

oh the irony :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, Greg.
I made a last minute change and went like this…


What ever happened to him :p?

WOW! I didn’t realize you were so HOT! Excellent costume choice.

I had two hallowe’en parties this week.
One was a shagadelic/halloween theme, the other was not. (I’m the one with the glasses in both pics). One pic is in front of a green sheet because I chromakeyed it into other shots.
***Reproduced with the express permission of my girlfriend and her daughter.