Halloween 2007 Watch it now!

Or don’t.

I watched it last week. It was pretty good. =p

What the hell is that on this website for?!? :angry:

Whoops wrong link! sORRY! Damn Ebaums! I must’ve clicked on the wrong one sorry!!! REALLY REALLY SORRY!!!

Here’s the halloween one: http://forum.ebaumsworld.com/showthread.php?t=221004

That’s really funny. Why were you on “CamCrush,” again, Terry? :wink:

Hahahahaha! :smiley:

A little lonely there Terry? Watch out for carpal tunnel :wink:

hahahahahahaha… Terry is a dirty old man watch out:p … How do you mistake that hahahaha:D I was like “wtf this is Halloween?.. then was like whoa nope not Halloween” I laughed so hard almost made me spit my drink.


Any of you looking to give Terry a hard time can’t tell me you’ve never looked at porn. It was obviously an honest mistake so leave the man alone. Ebaums is a tricky site as far as their content.

Thanks Brian.

Just to clarify for all: I clicked on what I thought was the “Halloween” link but must’ve clicked the one above or below and so I just copy & pasted that link (Which had no description of the content!) and made this thread. I know I should have CHECKED the link but didn’t; I simply pasted it in thinking it was the Halloween movie!

So it turned out to be some sleazy SPAM webcam site (But it was too late for me to delete it ) which has since been removed from the Ebaums as the SPAM it was, which I hope the moderators will do the same by deleting this link (or better yet this whole thread!) here as it is totally inappropriate for this family forum.

Again I apologize and will remember to always check a link first before posting it! Lesson learned. Someone recently warned me about Ebaums now I know why!

Don’t worry Terry, I think most of us on here are laughing with you at the situation. Anyone on here should know that you would never post a link like that. :slight_smile:

Thanks I appreciate that.:slight_smile: Now I’m going to be checking and double-checking everything!:o

I take back the harshness of my comment. You’re still cool.

@Brian yes I have seen porn. Just watching out for CKCrowe. :wink:

Thanks Joe no worries I would’ve reacted the same way as you!:smiley:

Brian lighten up a little. From what I read none of us were really giving him a hard time just razzing him. Yes I have never looked at porn in my life shifty eyes