I was trying to switch the cranks on my old dead unicycle, because one broke, but now I made a mistake. See, the cranks form a 90 degree angle with each other. And now, of course, I can’t get them off.
Is this like a half kangaroo? And has anyone ever ridden one? I can’t ride it, because using a screwdriver to try to pry the crank off popped the tire. I’m glad I have a better unicycle.
Oops, wrong forum. Oh well, whatever.
We tried that too. The kids could ride it ok & it helped with learning to ride one-footed… I understand a kangaroo to have both the cranks pointing in the same direction and the wheel to be eccentric too (the eccentric wheel makes it eaiser not harder).
With a splined hub and crankset you set all sorts of crazy angles.