Hey guys today i made a quick crappy design on Autodesk Inventor of a half bike half unicycle. Take a look see what you think.
can some1 tell me how to get good rims n tires coz im new to inventor and have only been playing around with it for a week so im a learner lol. Well i should get my uni in like 4 days so ill be of the computer soon. My mum will be happy about that lol.
Looks like a ventilation fan with handlebars.
you get good rims and tyres by making them on inventor, mainly using the revolve command. draw the cross section of th erim, you could make it double walled like i have in the past. then revolve it around a point and you have your rim. then if you want spoke holes, you cut one out nicely, and then circular pattern the extrusion feature 36 or 48 times around the centre of the rim, and thats your spoke holes done.
you probably dont understand that because your new to it but good luck with it.
yeh well im doing a semester on inventor at school so i should be pro by the end. I usually grasp computer stuff quick so it should be pretty easy.
haha pro after one semester at school, that’s funny!
im in year 12 now and started using inventor back in grade 8, and have used it almost daily since. i started off with version 5, then we worked up to 9, 10 and now i think we’re at 11.
i’m pretty good at it, i dare say i’m the best in the school at it, as the teachers sometimes ask me to teach their class how to use the program, but i wouldn’t say i’m pro at it
good luck, though.
thnx. If ur on it everyday wen do u unicycle? I see a lot of ppl on this tread who say they do all this stuff. Wen do they unicycle?
OMG i just looked at the time its 11. Gezz i should of been in bed 2 hours ago shit gtg cya goodnight.
usually, when you do things you don’t do it the entire day…Such as biking and skating in the same day…like normal people.
true true.
shouldnt take you long, the big thing is commitment, I know a kid, who I taught, who could ride after an hour in a half, he loves unicyling, but needs to buy one, hes saving up for a torker, but I’ve heard anywhere from an hour to 15 hours of work.
The younger you are, the longer it will probably take, because you dont have as stronge core abb muscles.
(Most ppl do it when they dont have school, or sports going on, It’s all I do exept for hang out with friends/sports…never had school homework (that I took home) yet…
wtf? i hav at least 1.5 hours of homework a day.
i dropped all teh other sports i did other than skating once i got into uni
unlucky lol. Im year 9 and i get like at the most 1 hour a week if that. Are you in year 8 or 9 coz wen i was yr 8 i got heaps like 1 hour a night 2 but wen i hit yr 9 i got none at all. All it is is finishing of work if u hav any.
so do i utill i learnt the masterful art of bullsh**ting