
I like my hair, except it got cut and looks really bad. what does your hair look like?

Thats just about how long it was before it got cut



venetain 1 smaller.jpg

you cant be serious? If you are, yay! dreads!!!

That’s quite…


Nice kitchen though.

I would.

I love my hair in this picture.


I hate my hair cut it all off!!!

it was an odd hair day. i didnt feel like spiking it with glue

bah, this isnt me…someone else is posting as me.

Ooh, you brute.

I have shoulder-length hair, maybe longer, in a ponytail. Don’t have time to post a pic now…should go study:D

Ok so let’s see it now.:smiley:

I vote no…

I wanna see!

Well here’s a pic of me I just shot a few minutes ago. My hair isn’t great and I just woke up, but at my “advanced” age :astonished: , I guess I should just be thankful that I still even have hair haha!:smiley: :sunglasses: :):stuck_out_tongue: Ok now to finish my coke and go do my 5’2" pallet drop! Uni Geezer Peace out!

Pfft, I saw him saturday. It looks the same, just shorter.

At least as far as I can kinda remember…

Haha at first I thought you said 5’2" coker drop!

MuniAddict, I would never have guessed you’re 51 :thinking:

Yeah, I can sometimes pass for only 49.:wink:

Fair enough:D

tangly blonde locks with the occasional braid…