Guys, I am Amazing.

Hey, Standupandfall, you got tabs for it?

There was actually a sideways bit of “Softly As In A Morning Sunrise” in there at the beginning, although that may have been completely unintentional.

My compliments to Beavis or whoever was manning the cammer. Nice hand work, although he needed a lighter too…

well this was pretty much amazing… Especially the first 30 seconds, the work of a genius

I play by ear but The beginning is

B, B8v, E, D#, C#, B8V, F# (8v meaning the same note but an octace higher)

The Imperial march is straight G maj I believe, or at least the part I played

Pm me if you want a lesson or something I could make you a slow vid if you want, or maybe jerrick can once he buys a tuner

haha. I’ll just try and figure it out on my own for now.

Hey now, the guitar was in perfect tune.

Sorry, Jerrick, that was mediocre, and I’m being generous there.

Mark Gormley is Amazing And Then Some.

Take notes from this guy.

That only helps if you actually play scales.

You just need to expand your theory to know what real scales are. =p

Gormley has me beat right now, but he is a big influence. Im hoping I can get onto his next album and do some collaborations.

That vid was really bad, maybe worse than Jerricks.
It doesnt matter if you play scales but tune the guitar (it was not in tune) and dont bend notes like that, it sounded like a dying cat, any real musician would really not be able to listen to that.

Was that part about me?

Stick to riding Uni’s.

I’m done w/this thread.

Well after 6 years of playing gutiar, I know how to properly bend strings and tune a guitar! You just cant accept how far ahead basic talent I am!

Did you REALLY just get butt hurt? Haha. I think you maybe did.

No, I just cant deal with his stupid cockiness, I mean he really better be kidding with that vid.
If he really thinks that’s even remotely good after six years he should quit.

Edit: Bucket head would have chickens claw your eyes out if heard that crap

The other vids of your band are not bad, this vid was clearly a joke

Then why are you getting so bent out of shape? Take the video for what it is, a joke. Laugh or don’t laugh, then move on. Jesus, some of you people are sensitive around here.


Very impressive! Now lower the octave a few times and it may even be pleasant to hear :slight_smile:

The one David played that pleased the lord?

But you don’t really care for music, do ya?

it goes like this, the 4th the 5th.