Guy on the forum trying to stalk me?

Hey All,

I recently posted a thread about selling two of my unicycles in the trading post part of the forum. I recieved a reply about it through my inbox that sounds a bit suspicious, here it is…

The reason why I think this is suspicious is for many reasons…

  1. The first sentence sounds as if he is interested in my unicycle by asking questions about it, he then goes on to say he wan’ts to see the unicycle in person and wan’ts me too meet me at wakefield street (where the hell is that anyway!)

  2. He said he wan’ts me too play unicycle polo…NO WAY, I’m thinking this guy researched some unicycle games or something on the internet and came across unicycle basketball or polo so he invited me to do so. I know we don’t have many unicyclists at all where I live and I’m almost POSITIVE there would not be a group of unicyclists that would meet up and play polo…

  3. I took not of when the user joined and and also the post count. Joined for 1-2 years and only 27 posts? Maybe this account got hacked and someone has taken over it (or am I just going too far?)

  4. Another posibility is because I am 15 so he acknowledged my age. He thinks I am a dumb child so he thinks I’m going to read his message and actually meet him >.< ?

All sounds a bit suspicious too me… What do you guys think?

Couple of points:

Just because the guy hasn’t made the forum the centre of his universe and has a billion posts, doesn’t make him a weirdo.

Maybe you could find other posts by this guy to see if he knows what he’s talking about.
I did and he’s been on several uni tours and posted before in several sections of the forum.

Wakefield Street Courts sounds like a sports venue where I wouldn’t at all be surprised to find holds weekly unihockey (sorry GILD) matches. Just because you’ve never heard of it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If you’re that wigged out, why not ask your parents to get in touch with him and sort things out.

Lastly, it’s not cool to post someone’s phone number on the web.

did you look at his 27 posts? seems like a normal unicyclist to me, not a scammer/spammer/bot

Soz, didn’t think too much about what I was posting :S

If this guy is done stalking you, I’d like to have a go. I’m sure Sean would, too, but he has too many posts. Wait 'til I get back from the grocery store and we can get started.

Whatever you do, do not let harper stalk you. He’s like that rear rhino in his name picture above his sig, always right there on your butt.

dude no need to freak out

Since you have publicly advertised yourself as being 15 (and assuming for the moment that you actually are), I highly recommend not meeting any strangers in person without at least one adult present. You do not have to tell Harper/the other person you will not be alone.

That said, the polo thing does sound a little strange. Why not ask him about it?

Oh sorry, i’m a closet dragon-ball z unicyclist stalker.

Nothing seems suspicious about this at all to me.

It’s not like he was trying to convince you to come alone or asking you personal questions.

But you should treat it like you and your parents should treat any sale or meeting over the internet… with a healthy amount of caution.

Like John said… just ask him a few questions about the polo group. The Wakefield street courts are obviously a real place where bike polo is played in Adelaide.

Though if he has seen this thread he might feel he’s been alienated without justification.