guitar tabs?

I have had a guitar for years and i just tuned it and my friend me the tabs for smoke on the water by deep purple…i can play it but i was wandering if any of you were guitarists as well as unicyclist…and if you are do you know of any easy songs that i could get tabs for so i can get better.


Im a guitarist. My easy is probably hard for you though =( cause i would say joe satriani is really easy.

Anyways, go to, they have lots of tabs, but to view them you need a program called guitar pro. With guitar pro, you can make your own tabs, listen to the tabs you get on mysongbook, and lots of other stuff, its great!! either go to or PM me and i can send you a cracked version of it, it has no viruses, and its easy to install.

If you dont want to do that, go to, and just look up your favorite bands, lot of songs played on the radio are very simple to play.

Goodluck =p

Metallica is a lot of fun to play
I started off by playing old violin music on an acoustic…that led to some New Found Glory/Hoobastank (this was before I discovered good music :o ), and then Breaking Benjamin (good starter band), and then that led into Metallica, and then when I got my electric I was pretty much only playing Metallica, then recently (past few months) I’ve gotten into Lynyrd Skynyrd, Aerosmith, and Joe Satriani.
The end.
I would recommend Breaking Benjamin, if you like them…they’re a good starter band.
Jerrick, can you email the power tab to me?
I’ll pm you my adress

I just started like three months ago. Go to any guitar tab site and search “theme”. A whole bunch of theme songs will come up. A lot of them are really easy and its good cause you already know what they sound like. Other than that just search for bands that you know and like, cause you’ll know what they sound like too.

Good luck,