I’m assuming (and may be wrong) that there are guys on here who know more about guitars than I do, So heres a couple of things. After I send my guitar in to my local shop so that the action can be adjusted, new strings and stuff, I’m thinking of getting a new bridge and pickups (when I have the money), But I don’t know if they will fit my guitar. I have a Stagg X300 electric guitar, and I am wanting to put on:
-Seymour Duncan P90 Phat Cat pickups (silver)
-Floyd Rose Black Tremolo bridge. Will these fit? or should I just ask the guys at the guitar shop?
It looks like the the new pickup(s) will fit, as it will be replacing your humbuckers. Just make sure you are getting passive pickups, cause getting active pickups require another body cavity worked into your guitar. Not worth it, specially if you play with distortion/overdrive.
The bridge looks like it wont fit unless you do some work to your guitar, which would end up being more than you want to spend, but you can talk that over with the guys at the shop. Right now your bridge allows you to detune, where a floyd rose is a floating tremolo system, which allows the bridge to be bent both ways, so you need extra space below the rose so it can bend back.
If you can get it to work, I really recommend the floyd rose. Easy to maintain and setup, lots of fun and adds a bit of versatility to your songs and solos. Just make sure you have good locking tuners or a locking nut setup so you string dont just go out of tune.