That would make for an interesting challenge…
Mine’s the friggin’ OC, I hate it and its a primtime soap opera but I have to watch it for reasons unbeknownst to me.
That would make for an interesting challenge…
Mine’s the friggin’ OC, I hate it and its a primtime soap opera but I have to watch it for reasons unbeknownst to me.
I don’t think they ever will. Then the people would all have to wear clothes, and you wouldn’t get all the skin. Most TV shows are about skin. Like, if a Fear Factor contestant is going to be made to swim in freezing water, then climb into a helicopter, then crawl around on top of a moving truck trailer, why do they have to wear a bikini? Of course most of the girls want you to see their fake boobs anyway, but it’s the show’s producers that make sure you do.
Reality schmeality. I wonder how they got that name? Each seems to get farther and farther from any semblance of reality. “Unscripted non-actors in extremely unreal situations” works for me.
The best reality show is COPS. It’s almost all real (the presence of the cameras keeps just about anything from being truly real). But I don’t consider it a guilty pleasure. However, no suspect is guilty until proven so in a court of law.
Guiltier pleasures: M&Ms (peanut), staying in bed, In-N-Out french fries, taking pictures, the Just Conversation forum.
John, that is such a cynical attitude. I can’t believe you would suggest something like this. I’m just, so, so, hurt to hear such comments.
Well, anyway, just be glad the O’Reilly Factor is not about the skin. That would be just plain nasty.
Even though I have complete and utter contempt for reality shows (I wouldn’t be a proper left wing, East Coast, Northern liberal if I didn’t) and for the people who watch them, I have no problem with the name “reality show”. Reality does not necessarily suggest situations that people experience in their normal day to day existence, although it can, but does suggest an actual event as opposed to a fictional one.
So, in an uninteresting, non-twist, Tom has won. Not that he didn’t deserve it, but yawn.
Don’t tell me I missed the final episode?! I thought it was this Thursday? Or was it on Sunday? Damn it if I missed it cause I’ve watched the whole thing since day one. Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam. I’m so pissed right now.