Guilty admission

Unlike a unicycle, the tricycle cannot be justified on practical or engineering grounds. Discuss.:smiley:

I never quite understood the tricycle thing. Iā€™ve spoken to serious trike enthusiasts. They have to lean so far into the corners that they burn their thighs on the back tyres. You canā€™t filter through traffic. Theyā€™re heavier than a bicycle and less manoeuvreable. The brakes must be a sod to set up. Wheelies are directionally stable, I supposeā€¦

And what do people shout at tricyclists? ā€œWhereā€™s your other wheel from?ā€

If someone asked me this, iā€™d tell them ā€œi took it off your bike when you werenā€™t lookingā€. :smiley: :smiley:

I always wanted to try out one of these.

Me 2. :smiley:

Which is why I wonder about the reasons some of us ride off road. Could it be partially due to solitude? While riding out where I can be seen, I often wonder how many times Iā€™ve influenced someone to look into unicycling. For this reason I ride proudly out and about in semi populated areas. But I prefer back roads and paths.

and so you should Unibugg. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Absolutely, definately.

When I think about what kind of unicycling Iā€™m going to do on a certain day, a lot of the thinking revolves around things like it being a saturday/holiday there will be too many people on the prom/up the old railway track so on these days I seek out a suitable forest or field to ride in. Usually the comments are kinder out in the coutryside if I encounter anyone at all.

This Spring my thoughts have even turned to getting up early to ride before anyone else is about much.

The locals are kind of getting used to me now, itā€™s the holiday makers that I view with fear and loathing as they comment with extreme amusement at the local excentric :frowning:

Iā€™d ignore them and just keep riding along while being proud for being a unicyclist. :smiley:

Well? What kind of bike is it? Is it best suited for the type of riding you want to do? Is it strong enough or do you need to upgrade? How big of drops do you think it will take?