Guessing game.

Okay I have been really really bored, and have found not much of interest in JC for a while. Just for personal preference. So I decided(even though its retarded) to play a type of game. Here are the rules:
Someone post just a couple of hints about some object. It can be anything as long as its clean.
No one can post another object till the previous one is figured out.

Example: 1.You can ride it. 2. No handlebars. 3. One wheel. Answer= unicycle.

Good idea or bad? Kelly.

I’ll take sporting equipment for $500, Alex.

What are the features of a BC wheel?

i have one

  1. its curved like a boomarang

  2. its yellow

  3. you can eat it

haha, banana


you got one?

its round, it bounces, and dents the walls. what is it?

A BC wheel when, er, ‘ridden’ :wink: by me

dang you got it right…just kidding;)

Darn :wink:

Could it be one of those hard but bouncy balls? Kindof plasticy, but ever so bouncy!

YOU GOT IT!!!:slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile: :smiley:


Okay, here’s one.

It’s silver/greyish, sticky on one side, and emmensely versatile

is it that termonator off of T2, the liquid metel one?

Hmm, No - you’re thinking too high-tech :slight_smile:

a crome unicycle covered in glue?

That would be awesome! But no, now you’re a bit too random. I’ll edit my first post for more clarity

Edit: post is now edited

well now im just clued out :thinking: . is it a magnet actually thats not sticky

Yeah… I wouldn’t call a magnet sticky, more, magnetic. :wink:

more clues here please, my brain has turned into my avatar

Umm, more clues… It’s made by 3M

what is velcro?