Guess whos got tickets to Moab

BEN DOES. I’ll be ridding a KH/onza 24 with Magguras. And ill have eather a really gay hair cut or a hat covering it. So uh talk to me i guess.

  • ben

Hi Ben!

Hey forest! I’ll see you there yes?

you’ll see a mee there!

i’ll be the guy with a qu-ax 24" muni that has a skull valve cap.

I will have a 05 KH muni with BRIGHT green griptape on the cranks and a bunch of stickers on it;) I will probably have pretty long hair unless I cut it within the next 2 days but I doubt it…

oh yeah…
i cut my hair.
i have a black helmet that has a modified B/W sticker that says “UNICYCLE power” on the back, and a bronze “CMDR” stenciled into the front. Either that helmet or my Blue and yellow regular bike helmet.

hah, I’m there. WITH CRANKS!!

I’m on a KH 24, in a bedford hat. or sixsixone helmet.

dang… thats exactly what i was gonna say!

dangit you guys, i want a muni and to go to moanb

Nice, Moab wouldn’t be very fun without those;)
I am going to wear a different Bedford shirt every day, and I will have extras for the ride home! I’m wearing my bedford hat when I’m not riding but when I am riding then I’m wearing my yellow 661 helmet with Bedford and stickers on it…

how do you guys get ur parents to bring you to moab? do they uni also? or do they just like you to be happy(who ever heard of that?!)?

I have no idea how it happened, I usually get a no for anything like that, I wasn’t even allowed to go to CMW in Santa Barbara and that is like an hour from my house. So my mom won’t let me go an hour away but she will let me go 11 hours away. I am not questioning it;)

haha, I remember you breaking a rim last year…haha good times. And you won something for it.

I’ll be there, with my 24" muni with a bright green goo paint job. I’ll most likely have a black helmet with stickers, and a fox jersey. I dunno if I’ll look like that, but I like to meet people, so I’ll prolly run in to you anyway.

see you there

i unna make a name tag saying unicyclist ben on it

I’ll be there… I am actually a very shy guy, so please do approach me. :sunglasses:

Most likely I’ll be wearing a black “Do the MUni” T-shirt (you know, the one that looks like mt. dew) during most the rides. If I do not pack enough of those, I will probably be wearing a t-shirt.

Yes, approach…but don’t “corner”. The Gilby can become quite dangerous if it feels trapped or confined in a tight space. :astonished:

That is why it seeks out the open desert of Utah and the open plains of the upper midwest.

I got a haircut today so my hair is now shorter than it was this morning. If you’re living on the wild side get a mohawk haircut. A middle school aged kid got a mohawk while I was waiting for my haircut (no, I did not get a mohawk).

I’ll be wearing what I usually wear for rides. I’ll have my trusty old KH Pro muni with a new KH Fusion seat cover.

And I’m always grateful if someone wants to buy me a pint at the pub. :wink:

jc… good to hear that you will be there this year. If I have the op, I’ll be glad to buy you a pint.

And while we’re on the subject of beer, let’s not forget JC’s Mobile Repair Shop. Field repairs in exchange for beer. A pint will get you a visual scan and a physical “depth check” on your tread wear. For a mobile Magura Bleeding in the motel parking lot, be prepared to fork over a six pack of microbrew minimum, and that’s if he’s in a good mood. :smiley:

Damm…I’m just weepin’ in me beer, for there’s no Moab for me. This year.


PS: JC, have fun this year. After our group ride this weekend, it’s clear you’re the only SAR actually in-shape enough to hack it. We’ll be thinking of you.

Uh done if i can get some gel.

And im up for a pint too.

im in cabin six dont for get to say Hi