Guess the Movie Thread

I took a random stab at it, because my dad was watching Silence of the Lambs on TV at the moment…I thought I might get lucky ( :

Okay, based on the clue in your first post and the clue in your last post (that there is a reason why you posted it), I’m going to guess…

Beat the Devil

because 06/06/06 is coming up. I don’t recognize the face, so I can only guess.

Tony Scott - IMDb (scroll down to director filmography)

James - it was a good guess.

is this one war games?

ok lets see who gets this one…

dont cheat.jpg

heres one more it was an underground cult classic for how cheesy it was, but hey it is deffianitly interesting.

eat poo.jpg

Attack of the Killer Clowns

I guess no one who actually knows me has read this thread, because the reason I chose that still is because it’s of me. The whole 1/2 second I am in the film.

whoa, you’re in a movie!!
The town in which Dante’s Peak was filmed is like 20 miles from here, and I know a bunch of people who were extras that got to run and scream in it.

Its th533x or something like that. I know the movie and searched google but without the exact title I’m stuck.

That is an obscure one!


No, it’s from a MUCH cooler and more recent movie.

Edit: the key is the last line.


At least I think so…

That movie was so omgsuxxorz…I lol’ed a lot.

A quick call to my Dad, and he can’t find the video, my brother must have it he says! He can’t remember the full title.

But between me, my Dad, and google, we found it


and I know where you got that still from now too! That site is almost as weird as the film!!!


Matrix Reloaded.

Amusing, one has to admit, given your screen name.

So what’s the movie already?

Here’s an easy one. :wink:



Actually, I had to think whether it was the second or third movie. They run together as one long movie because I’ve seen them back-to-back several times. And I can’t keep the names straight either.

I was thinking war games also when i saw it.
I boughht War Games recently at a bargain store on VHS. :astonished: :astonished: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: …So cool of a movie.
It was 3 dollars ha.

heres two!

1: Dodgeball, ofcourse. There’s a pirate and a guy in a wheelchair, what else could it be?

yes, but whats the second one?