guess my avatar #3!!!!!

/____whos that???

your brother

I know who it is, I guessed correctly through aim damn straight!

It’s Mossberg

I don’t know who it is, but I think it would be better if you attached a picture to your post. Some people are going to look at your old threads and have no idea what you were talking about.

damn it just stop these fucking mind numbing threads already

scratch the first one… whos this ugly person?

picture 008.jpg



Look, if you don’t know the answer, just say so! Or take your best guess. Don’t get all upset.

Maybe we can compramise here, start the Guess what this is Gallery and get rid of the 5 threads today that are all to guess what is more asinine.

how about just not go to the threds??

THATS YOU! total_uni

mr tylercox?

your mate will?

my first avatar was Eric, the pic i posted is me!

Is that tylercox??? OMFG!!! I’m not that ugly!!! This is me:

mini-1 (24).jpg

Lets just hope you were joking…

so anyway do I win? I guesed the pic was you :wink: and I must say your avatar looks exactly the same…unless you changed it before I even saw the original avatar, in which case I correctly guessed the avatar I saw.

what am I joking about? Not being ugly? You think I’m ugly?

Mama Look-A Boo Boo

How many of you got that one?

Mama Look-A Boo Boo

I wonder why nobody don’ like me?
Or is it de fact dat I’m ugly?
I wonder why nobody don’ like me?
Or is it de fact dat I’m ugly?

You can google the rest.