Grossest Pizza

Next week I will be in a small ‘competition’ of pizza making. You can win for best looking, best tasting, or grossest pizza. I was thinking of trying to make the grossest pizza. The dough is provided; I just put on toppings.

I was looking for some ideas of stuff or arrangements that could be used to make this pizza look distasteful. I know there is not a lack of brilliant minds on this forum, so I will have not a dearth of suggestions.

And by the way, this is going to be the grossest edible pizza.

You could make a nice “soft cheese” topping by curdling some milk with the acid of your choice. Lemon juice, vinager, or coke. Seive of the delicious clumps of protein.

Of course, some people like curds. Little miss Muffet for one. She’s probably the only one now I think of it.

chicken liver, chocolate, bacon, brussel sprouts (I like them normally but in this combo… ew), anchovies.

Mountain oysters (pig testicles) pizza
Chitlins pizza
Goat eyes pizza
fried Cicada grub pizza
mealworm pizza (good protein!)

how are they defining edible? personally I’d braze a pig’s heart and stick it in the middle, a sure winner.

anchovies alone on it would be pretty gross

Winner right there.


Put some frosting and sprinkles on their along with everything else.

They made a disgusting pizza once on the Fear Factor TV show. I can’t remember what was on it (use your imagination) but you could practically smell it through the TV screen. I think it would have been less nasty if they hadn’t associated it with pizza!

Do you have to prove its edible by EATING it??

Two girls; One pizza…


I have two pig kidneys in the freezer that I plan to use.

Nope. People don’t eat that.

But then you say, “Well, it’s possible to eat it.” I guess you could also eat wireless routers.

I will definitely eat some of my pizza. It doesn’t have to be gross in taste. It can look nasty. I heard that last year’s winner tasted good.

The judging panel is composed of one man, and I hear he isn’t too hard to gross out.:slight_smile:

Intestines, tripe, snails, and Cuitlacoche. A smelly cheese such as limburger. Use mustard or horseradish for the sauce.

Actually, anything from “Steve, don’t eat it” would do.

bugs, worms, snails and the like

Will they let you eat feces?!

Of all the suggestions here, are there any you won’t eat?

Some of this cheese, despite the fact its toxic and full of maggots its also only available on the black market!

cut a hole in the table and the pizza and have a curtain around the bottom of the table.

Get your friend to sit under the table with their hand through bith holes.
When they look at the pizza, make your friend make strange noises and move the hand alot.

Pizza that never, ever should have existed, like Hawaiian pizza, taco pizza, or fried chicken pizza.

Sardines, they stare back at you.

and by the way, there’s nothing wrong with mountain oysters.