Greetings from the desert...

Well here I am in the middle of the desert at a location in Southwest Asia. Probobly the absolute worst thing about it is that out of the 6 pieces of luggage I took with, only one was lost by the military airlines. And you can just guess what that bag contained… Perfectly good unicycle that is now on the border of China, that I have to wait another week until it comes back. Oh well… One of the other guys I came with is learning on a torker CX so I have gotten to ride around on it. The local populace is rather amazed by it, having never really seen unicycles before. I take it that not many Arabs have ever tried it before… Oh well, I will be sure to post some pictures of what’s going on around here while on a unicycle…

also in the desert…

Well it sure is nice to see that someone else in the desert is riding while i am trying to. Thats right is me, Napoleon. And by the way, could you at least bring me my chapstick? My lips burn real bad.

It’s great to hear of people travleing to far off places with unis. I hope yours arrives to you soon so you can ride it.