Greece moves forward out of the dark ages

Following after enlightened states like Massachusetts and California, Greece has performed its first same-sex union.

Hell yes!! Take THAT dark ages.
Now Greece is part of the Cool Cat Club.

Billy, thanks so much for fueling the fire of the hetrophobes. We can always count on you.

How did you managed to forget to mention South Africa?

Let’s be a bit more accurate here, a quick Google of the story finds: A couple same-sex unions were performed in Greece by the mayor of one small Greek island. The rest of Greece is not yet onboard on this one.

We’re not heterophobes. We actually want to live peacefully with you if you’ll let us.
I just don’t like stupid heteros. That’s all.

Awwww… bad Greece… No buscuit.

Stupid Greece. Cool Island tho.

I thought same sex unions have been a way of life for centuries in Greece. They must have just now realized that other regions are declaring themselves to be special for it.

Y’know, it kind of makes sense to be a heterophobe though if you are gay - using the correct definition of the word. If you “come out” in the wrong place you can get fired, ostracized, beaten, or killed. People are “in the closet” because they are afraid of straight people hurting them or treating them differently. Shit, I’d be a heterophobe too. You don’t blame Jews for being afraid of Nazi’s or Blacks being afraid of the KKK, do you? I’m not saying that all straights act like Nazi’s or the KKK, but some do, and we all look the same.

Same sex unions for men were the norm in Greece in the time of Plato, over 2,000 years ago. Marriage was for breeding, and a male lover was for passion and pleasure.

It bugs me why who lives and sleeps with whom is anyone else’s business.

That can’t possibly be the only thing that bugs you. How about the interests others have in what you ingest? How about the concern about religious practices of others? Political activities? Why do so many care so much about what others do?

Minding other people’s business is so much more fun than minding your own. I regularly sleep with a male, and my wife approves, but I kick him out if he has muddy paws.


I didn’t indicate anyone in particular, but I thought maybe I’d pinch a nerve with that one. :wink:

That reminds me of a very rude joke set in a vet’s surgery, with the punchline, “No, she’s not brought me in to be put down; I’m having my claw’s cut.”

just been crazy busy, and recently got a UW i can do NOTHING with, so i expect THAT will occupy MORE of what little time i have.

good one!

pinch a nerve?! ouch! you did! now you owe an apology…

Funny line from last night’s “last comic standing” (Paraphrasing a bit it’s from memory)

“Now gays want to get married. Haven’t they suffered enough already!?” :stuck_out_tongue: