Great one-wheeled bike!

Okay, so does this ebay item description seem a little fishy to you? Here’s my favorite part:
“Definitely the best in the non-professionnal monocycles field. We are proud to offer the well known brand Damco.”
Ummm… Right…
And the guy is selling it as a One Wheel Bike 20 inches - Circus / Juggling. Does this guy know what he’s talking about?

My favorite line is

“Beginners: expect 3-5 hours before you can let go the wall, but hey! What a pride !!!”

Yeah right… i wish

That is also my favorite line too and I agree both of you.
Can’t he use the word UNICYCLE means. Instead of One wheel Bike.



Re: Great one-wheeled bike!

i have to say i’m quite partial to
“Product guaranteed for a year, normal use”
normal use?


e-Heh! e-Heh!

He said “normal” !


I feel it necessary to stick up for a fellow Cunuck here.

The person who wrote the ad clearly has limitted english skills (and is from Quebec). The phrases used in the ad are literal translations of common French Canadian phrases. Note that monocycle is the common french term for unicycle.

As to “Damco” being a well known brand… :roll_eyes:

fair enough
i’d like to stick up for my fellow troublemaking-posters
my (our?) intention wasn’t to make fun of the person who wrote the ad
rather to make fun of the non-uni public in general
with my (our?) limited knowledge of french canadian, i (we?) didn’t realise the person may actually know what they’re talking about, just expressing it in a way that sounds uninformed in english

is it part of the human condition to (partially) define our group existence by making fun of those outside of the group?
those who dont understand the jokes and dont speak the language?
is that why the hip-hop people say all those funny things?


Surely, Dave, you can’t have forgotten this thread and topic so soon…

Language just happens, ya know?

Those damned French speakers just better get it together, man!


(just doesn’t have that same Teutonic ring to it, somehow, does it?)

Scheiße !

that’s right, throw my own BS back at me!
that’s not fair

my ‘language just happens’ comment was made in opposition to your assertion that surely the older version/meaning of a word should supercede any subsequent changes in meaning (and spelling?)
what i’m exploring by asking the quoted question, is some of the social linguistics that will clarify ,or qualify if u will, the word ‘just’ in that question

what are the unseen social forces that causes language to ‘happen’?
and, in this particular case, is the creation of an isolationist group identidy one of those forces?
and, can u cook spaghetti in it?

my brother used to say ‘merde!’
probably still does i guess
must phone him and ask