Graphics Assignment...Unicylce

Next term i will have a graphics assignment where i will have to design anything i want and then advertise it.
I’ll probably design a Muni and market it:)

What sort of features should i have in it?? Whats a good name for it?

—> Does anyone have any good ideas or pictures to help create the worlds best virtual unicycle?

do these things gave to be realistic.or can they be really imaginative. example-rocket pack. is that too fake to be used

What program will you be using?
I love Autodesk inventor 10.
Here is a muni i made (scroll to bottom).

On the holidays i drew up this thing for my dad. Not quite sure what it’s called, but it is a big bin thing for coal trucks to dump the coal into. Here is a pic (i think it’s just so cool :smiley: ):


FullAssembly3.bmp (818 KB)

Wow your unicycle is so amazing… I don’t know how you did that.
I will be using either Autodesk inventor 10 or i might try learning google sketchup.