Graduation wear

Hello all, I am kind of in a rut here. I do not know which to choose for my gradutation clothes and they have to be turned in on Friday of next week. My choices are as follows:

  • Black Pants, Black Shirt, White tie
  • Black Pants, Black Shirt, Maroon tie
  • Black Pants, Grey Shirt, Maroon tie

They all look equally snazy, but i dont know which one to choose, any sugestions…? Oh yeah I have blonde hair if that would for some reson would help.


Re: Graduation wear

Give them whatever, and then on graduation day switch it out for orange.

orange… so cliche’ i was gonna for a silver and green with a teal tie and my 4 dollr tweed coat form salvation army


When I graduated from high school I did the whole tie thing…when I graduated from college I was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, hiking boots, and head-phones :smiley:

Black tie, black shirt, white tie. You’ll be 2 tone pimpin. or black/black/red

Just go in the nude. It will be more spiffy then anything else. But if you insist on the options you have posted, I believe that i would pick: Black Pants, Black Shirt, Maroon tie.

skip the maroon…

Black Pants, Black Shirt, White tie

  • Black Pants, Black Shirt, Maroon tie

DK im diggin the black, black, red, i believe that will be my choice


wear red socks too

with my light blue chucks… then i will be pimped out


Re: Re: Graduation wear

Yeah why not?