He’s a right-hand man to more than one person.
Just got home from chilling with a few friends after graduation this afternoon. Had an extended meal at four different houses, ending with a glass of home-made Bailey’s and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
I’m a freshman again!!
Probly will have a couple pics up tomorrow.
I graduated from HS thursday, going to UCLA in the fall for mechanical engineering.
Maybe I will post a picture later.
Con-graduations to all the gratulates!!
'grats spencer!
'grats matt!
'grats ben!
'grats everyone I’m forgetting!
I wish I were graduating this year but I’m not graduating until next year(or later if I don’t get my butt in gear and pump out the credits)
Sniff, they grow up so quickly! Congrats to all the grads!
I am headed to NC State University for mechanical engineering this fall. Not looking forwards to all the math just yet but I am pretty stoked.
Smokings? What is that? Hmmm… Im not trying to be an ass just curious.
i think it’s probably a slight mistrnaslation, smoking jacket possibly.
Lol no offense, but I can’t imagine anyone going into any engineering degree and not looking forward to the math. Maybe that’s just me.
I wsa thinking more along the line of ‘smocks’?
yes me, I’m just finishing my fourth year, and I at no point enjoyed or anticipated enjoyment or performing or learning mathematics.
haha yeah I am not looking forward to school in general right now but let me enjoy a bit of time off and I will be ready to go back at it. I do well in math just want my summer (still has not sunk in that I am done with hs)
ahh and as promised a picture
Who’s the accomplice? Very nice photo of the two of you.
that would be my gf anna. we have been dating almost a year now and thanks.