Got a visit from the police tonight

They grow up so fast nowadays, don’t they?

That was Bax at 6 weeks. Comparing that to the photo in the first post of the thread…Wow! We got him two weeks early because according to the breeder, he was twice as big as the other puppies and causing some problems; pushing over the hay bales and escaping (continues even today :)), bowling over the other puppies. He still has the little mohawk down the center of his nose, though. Mary fell in love with his nose mohawk.

Have you ever read, " Marley & Me" by John Grogan

It’s a great story about his experiences of,
“Live and love with the world’s worst dog”
What this dog (a Lab) ate and destroyed will amaze you.

Labs have stomachs of solid steel. They’re invincible. My dad’s chocolate lab, Godiva, has eaten:

  • 64 crayons (and half the box
  • party-size pack of balloons
  • candles
  • 2 loaves of bread
  • almost half a watermelon
  • socks
  • a TWO POUND bag of M&Ms!!!

Somehow, she’s not dead.


We were so worried…we thought that she was a goner.

She didn’t even get sick.

wow, my little spaniel would be dead! a 2 pound bag of m&ms is about a twelfth of her body weight

You say that like your sad.:stuck_out_tongue:

I used to have three goldens and one of them (Nicholas) used to eat everything. I remember once he ate an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies (I thought chocolate was deadly for dogs?), a peanut butter sandwich (when eaten all at once, it’s hard to chew - he was smacking while chewing a bit), loaves of bread, many many sponges, and a whole lot of other stuff I can’t remember.

Our current golden (Quincy) doesn’t eat as much off the table as the other three used to (they lived to 13, 14 and 15), but he gets into a fair amount.

It doesn’t matter how hard I try…

Just kidding. I love that dog.

Godiva Running.jpg

Actually, it has to be pure chocalate.
Once, we had a chocalte cake, it was old so we set it on the middle of our kitchen table, then set the camera on the counter. Then left the gate to the kitchen open so the dog could get in.
Then we filmed the dog eating the chocalte cake.
Sorry about my misspelling of chocalte.

ours ate a tv remote. out other ones try to eat cats and other dogs. and turkeys.

More Police Activity Tonight

Some very good friends of ours were having a lot of trouble from a 15-year-old son. It’s a long story but he’s wanted on a couple charges and had run away from home a couple weeks ago. His mother is at her rope’s end and wants him arrested just to know he’s safe. She hadn’t heard from him since he took off.

We were watching TV in our living room tonight when we saw the boy walking down the street across from our house. Mary jumped in the van to follow him while I called it in. Evidently, he circled back and Mary lost him, so she returned home. Suddenly, he reappeared heading the opposite direction and entered the house across the corner from us. Mary hopped on the phone and a few moments later the house was swarmed with police cars (must not have been a very busy police night tonight). The police drug him out of the house a few moments later.

We called his mom who was relieved to tears that he was safe.

soon the edward’s family will be working under cover for the CIA if they keep up this good work !

I think whoever called was doing you a favor and had nothing but good in their mind.