Google Street View

Went on line in the UK this week. I checked out my route to work in Cambridge but tragically there is no picture of me on my Coker. :frowning: I wish I’d known in advance: I’d definitely have made the effort to be out and about. Has anyone else managed to have been snapped by a GoogleCar?

I understand there are some privacy concerns, which remain to be tested, but still, I have no problem with the world seeing me get my big one out in public. :wink:


Man, it’s true what they say about the [post=1719902]camera adding ten pounds[/post].

Mostly I think they prefer not to have people in the pictures, but they can’t wait around for everyone to go away, especially in cities. Also people have issues with other details, such as whose car is that in my driveway while I’m at work? Stuff like that…

and: Can we read the license plates of those cars parked in Lovers Lane, or the motel parking lot, or … ?

I believe faces and license plates are blurred.

Did you see the link that Into The Blue posted? Maybe they blur in some places but not others? Based on legal wrangling or lawsuits?

Specific examples in UK news have included a guy throwing up outside a pub

They’ve blurred out most identifying marks using a face recognition computer programme.
Not just faces and license plates, but other things as well.
For example, I was curious to find out the date that they had taken the pictures in my area, so I used the streetview to go to the local cinema where there was a large poster with the latest releases, dates and times.
This too had been blurred out.
The blurring programme is not foolproof though.
A few faces and cars have slipped through the net.

Very bad pub food in the UK, huh?

no it’s the warm beer that does it

I heard of one incident were there was a carriage of sorts and Google blurred the horse’s face and not the face of the man driving. :slight_smile:

That seemed like a really good idea so I just tried it and it worked! It came out very clear, too.

This picture came over the wire a few minutes ago.
Caption: Undated handout photo of a Google Street Trike at Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, Wednesday August 12, 2009. Google Street View cameras have saddled up to go off-road and snap images of Stonehenge. Google’s car-mounted cameras used to photograph Britain’s streets have been ditched for custom-built off-road tricycles to take pictures of inaccessible landmarks and sights.

Schweet! I want that job!

Hehe, here’s one of our crew riding around our street.

Unicyclist on Google Street View

This link takes you to the actual Google street view of the pic below. Anybody we know?

I found it here, on a site that collects interesting Google street view images.

I see streetview has entered Canada.

Hopefully a few Toronto residents will know this place…


I had forgotten what it looked like. I have only been there once.

oh yea, car mags give away so much private information. thats why they’re blurred.

Virtually all of the UK now on streetview.

Go look for yourselves.