Google Rebukes China!

I’m really happy about it!

how do you feel about it?

Would you feel safe flying if Mikey Hicks boarded your plane?


Would their rebuke have anything to do with “Climate Change”?

Okay. Google doesn’t like what China’s doing. They’re not the first.

Google said publicly, they don’t like what China’s doing. Again, they’re not the first.

How does China react? Oh, they didn’t. Business as usual.

Nothing to see here. Move along please.

“Second, we have evidence to suggest that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.”

It’s a lot better than Yahoo, who colluded with China to put 4 pro-democracy dissidents in jail for up to 10 years.

I’m pro-democracy.

I found out you were talking about a day or so after you mentioned it. i certainly support googles stance and think they should have done so sooner. Ohhh and google must have some pretty beefy security to largely stay off a government hack.

Ohh and you support China in your own way billy. Most people do.:wink:

Well then, let’s all vote to take away all of Billy’s belongings. Let’s also vote to lock Billy up in one of those small jailcells. Who is with me?

I vote for Gilby! :smiley:

Anything that gets Billy away from a computer… I’ll vote for it! :wink:

Hey! Unicyclists in Iran, China, Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Vietnam, Tunisia and Uzbekistan.

You are stuck behind an “information curtain” because your nation censors the internet!

Might as well add Australia to the list, the way the government talks :wink:

Our government is trying to put a filter in place, it’s going to waste billions of dollars, slow the internet down so bloody slow and guarantee that Rudd will not stay past the next election, amongst other things, and people will easily be able to get around it.
The government should never do what soccer-mums and family-first groups say, no matter how many say it.

I just object to anyone else telling me what I should/should not be allowed to see. I just naturally distrust censorship on any level.


you re only 31 years old.

do you think youngins like yourself should really have access to EVERYTHING?

Pretty much :wink: I draw the line at child porn.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of free speech. I may not agree with someone who says that <insert religion, ethnicity, political view, etc> are evil or immoral, but I believe you should have the right to state your opinion in a non-destructive way.

Looks like China will be defeated on this one.

Free speech rules!!!

Go Google!

Good to hear they won out.

Free speech- for the dumb!

No no! Only for the elite! For the effete intellectual snobs!

Both are interesting terms to consider when thinking about the Internet, free speech, and China.

Dumb, for all the people who can’t afford to access the internet. Though their economy continues to grow fast, there are still lots of millions of them in China. They cannot speak; they have no voice online; they are dumb.

And elite, for the ones that can afford computers and Internet in their homes. Not sure if they are still in the minority in China, but my guess is they definitely are.