goodbye cruel world

i’m gonna be leaving for a while. i’m moving back down to savannah tommarrow and i don’t think i’ll have access to a computer. if anyone wants to come down and celebrate my 21st bday with me on 4/30, i’ll be having drunken uni day (it may be a lonely day for me, but i’ll be drunk, so i can talk to walls and stuff). uni riders are cool, so i’ll miss you all.

plur and a poptart.

Bye, joshuni. I think everybody else is sleeping. I hope more people see this thread before you leave tomorrow.

There must be a library / mall / cyber-cafe / or some place with Internet access. You can’t leave us! Besides, you HAVE to check back because we will start a birthday thread for you on the 30th.

Spread the gospel – make more unicyclists down there. Take care and stay in touch! (and have a Happy Birthday)

This is sad news. A 21st birthday in Georgia, the land of no good beer. Please folks leave Georgia before you’re 21 so you can celebrate your 21st birthday in a pub with friends and a good microbrew.

i nearly thought it was a suicide notice… but no. Seeya man have a great 21st :smiley:

if I ever commit suicide i would so put my note up on the net probably in rsu just to piss every one off

lmfao, but i would prefer you didn’t, or if you do, then tell me and we’ll make it a double as long as we do it on the unis.

i trained 3 ppl there before i moved up here, but the high proportion of people just want to instantly know how to ride, when it comes to sheeling out $80+ for a wheel of their own, most people tend to shy away. i will teach the gospel to as many ppl as i can though. (ok, for real, i’m going now, my car is running in the driveway)

BYE JOSHUNI!!! have fun, and a good b-day

good bye, so long, alverdersein, goodnight!

so its not goodbye, it is just see you later.:smiley:
have fun down in Georgia.
Happy early birthday too!

bye bye, happy birthday in Georgia!


how long is “a while”?

anyway, goodbye, and happy 21st!

bye, thanks for dropping of my tool today, when ever your back in town and my unicycle is fixed :roll_eyes: we’ll go riding again.

me too!

/ i will teach the gospel to as many ppl as i can though./


Well, you will be in the bible belt. Most of those bible beaters haven’t heard of the 5th gospel. The Gospel According to Uni.:slight_smile: Have a happy b’day and try to get onto a library or cybercafe computer often.

If I ever commit suicide, I would do it by uni-ing off Niagra Falls or something awesome like that

i thought it was a suicide note too

I doubt that anyone would put :frowning: by a suicide note. In fact I don’t think we have an appropriate emoticon here. Here’s the one I would use though

ditto cept i would go sky diving/uning disable that auto pull device in my backpack and the “forget” to pull the rip cord while riding a bombproof uni

The most extreme product test I’ve heard of yet.

lol i thought that aswell