i’m gonna be leaving for a while. i’m moving back down to savannah tommarrow and i don’t think i’ll have access to a computer. if anyone wants to come down and celebrate my 21st bday with me on 4/30, i’ll be having drunken uni day (it may be a lonely day for me, but i’ll be drunk, so i can talk to walls and stuff). uni riders are cool, so i’ll miss you all.
Bye, joshuni. I think everybody else is sleeping. I hope more people see this thread before you leave tomorrow.
There must be a library / mall / cyber-cafe / or some place with Internet access. You can’t leave us! Besides, you HAVE to check back because we will start a birthday thread for you on the 30th.
Spread the gospel – make more unicyclists down there. Take care and stay in touch! (and have a Happy Birthday)
This is sad news. A 21st birthday in Georgia, the land of no good beer. Please folks leave Georgia before you’re 21 so you can celebrate your 21st birthday in a pub with friends and a good microbrew.
lmfao, but i would prefer you didn’t, or if you do, then tell me and we’ll make it a double as long as we do it on the unis.
i trained 3 ppl there before i moved up here, but the high proportion of people just want to instantly know how to ride, when it comes to sheeling out $80+ for a wheel of their own, most people tend to shy away. i will teach the gospel to as many ppl as i can though. (ok, for real, i’m going now, my car is running in the driveway)
/ i will teach the gospel to as many ppl as i can though./
Well, you will be in the bible belt. Most of those bible beaters haven’t heard of the 5th gospel. The Gospel According to Uni. Have a happy b’day and try to get onto a library or cybercafe computer often.