Good ways to make $$$ at age 13??? (going to a 07 kh)

including my method of getting free paper:p

yay, it’s my 100th post!

yay 2,727th :slight_smile:

Part time OBGyn?,22049,21942414-5012768,00.html

lol i make $15-20 (USD)an hour mowning lawns…i don’t pay taxes so its the same as $30-$40 an hour…more than twice as much as what my dad makes:D

edit: my mom makes $60 an hour though sooooooo…

To bad you don’t work 40 hours a week.


EDIT: that would kill my mower though…so it would add to expences…

i need somone to fix my push mower, the blades are dull and one of the wheels is stuck…
but then i wouldn’t have to pay gas…

Canada, babysitting is seriously one of the easiest gigs a young teen can do for money. Some parents pay ridiculously high, as in 10 dollars an hour high, just to watch TV at their house while occasionally glancing over at Junior.

how do you find people who need babysitting servies?

and people who need lawns movved

Putting up flyers always works.

And for lawn mowing, just look at their lawn and see if it needs it. I would advise against asking the people that have those perfectly manicured and green lawns though, they’re oftentimes overprotective of their lawn.

paper work, when they put new strings in i usually do the first tuning on it. working on the piano. replacing parts.

get a paper rout. Thats what i did

I got a part time job working at a casino as a busboy, 10 bucks an hour, plus I mow lawns and substitute for paperboys. That paid for my torker.

Print up some flyers and go door to door in your neighborhood.

buy a lotto ticket, but just 1.

I dont know if you live in the city, but right now Im cutting wood. I think a 13 year old could do that. You dont have to even cut down standing trees. Look for “deadfall” that’s on the ground already and cut it up into logs. A face cord is going for atleast $50 right now. A face cord is 8’ long X 4’ high of wood. It takes about 3-4 hours to get a face cord if you work good.

Otherwise, I go junk-pile looking. 1lb. of copper is like $2, and aluminum is I think .50 cents/lb. I just got $22 for aluminum I brought into the recycling place.

official for your local soccer/hockey/baseball assosciation. I umpire baseball and make over $2000 tax free over the spring and early summer.

Haha, is your ‘w’ key broken? :stuck_out_tongue:

Start your own investment fund:

Well ive just invested $1000 dollars into the share market and in 3 weeks ive already doubled it!

But this method takes alot of complicated setting up with bank accounts and share brokers etc and it also takes education in the market so its not really reccomended for the average person.

Otherwise i’d make a loan with my parents, its worked for me in the past and ive done it a few times now.