Good ways to make $$$ at age 13??? (going to a 07 kh)

I want a 07 20 inch kh trials REALLY bad and am 13 years old. How do i make the $$$? no…im not doin lawn mowing, baby watching, or lemoade stand…and i’m not doing things like drug dealing or prostitution (jk lol)…

and do any of u guys like…street perform or anyhting? how does that work out?

Do odd jobs for people… I thought about street preforming I think I am going to do that next summer to make money.

Sell your body to Catholic priests.

Pull a major bank heist. No one will take a 13 year old seriously, so you can openly discuss the plans with anybody you want.
Then when you actually do pull it off, depending on canada law you will probably only be tried as a child. They probably don’t even have laws in canada regarding a child doing a bank heist so you won’t get in trouble, but it may lead to some law reforming being done.
Once you do this you will have more than enough for an 07 KH, so I will take one too. :slight_smile:

Nah just mouth/ butt that’s all they really want…

Make a loan from your parents, them pay them back in installments! Hopefully they won’t charge you interest, and if you’re lucky they’ll give you 3 years to pay it back! :slight_smile: That would be less than $15 per month, and I KNOW you could afford that! :sunglasses:

And what’s wrong with mowing lawns? I did that when I was your age and made pretty good money, and since it was money that I earned, it felt good to buy stuff with my own cash!

my dad is ussally kool w/ WATEVER i do…but for some reason he ownt let me mow lawns…something about seeing a show on how thousands of kids get killed annually lawn mowing

Have your dad get a manual reel mower for your own lawn. Then use that for mowing the neighborhood lawns. Reel mowers are quiet and cut the grass evenly with much less risk of scalping the lawn. Get a grass catcher basket for the back or you can leave the clippings on the lawn as mulch. The neighborhood will appreciate the lack of noise and that can be a selling point for your service. The manual reel mowers are easy to push and for suburban sized lawns they are as fast as using a gas powered mower. And they’re safer than gas powered mowers.

“Thousands killed”? Injuries yes, but actual deaths are close to zero. And thse injuries are easily prevented by using common sense and wearing SHOES! And the vast majority of these injuries are human error. Btw, when I was a kid, I used a good old fashioned push mower! Great exercise too!:smiley:

PS: The stats are: Contact with powered lawnmower (per capita) Canada

0.0304832 deaths per 1 million people (I would wager that FAR more kids die in skateboard and bicycling accidents than when mowing lawns)

Wow, does he let you go outside? Heck, does he let you stay inside? Very risky when a tornado may hit your home.

I mowed lawns from when I was your age until all the way through college. Good money. Worst injury was getting stung by bees when I ran over a hole in the ground. There may be less risky opportunities in your neighborhood. Look around and start brainstorming about what odd jobs your neighbors might need done… pull weeds from their gardens? Wash their house windows? Clean their house? Fix their computer (yeah, put those computer skills to work instead of stealing printouts from the library!)?

under the table job. its how i got my current trials. and i still work their.
my dads friend worked at a piano shop when he was 15 or so. his boss still runs the shop and was looking for an assistent. so i got the job.
payed under the table and no taxes.

HAha what do you do there? I am a piano technician so I’m curious.:smiley:

yah, i probably COULD be able to but im not gonna fight with him. he lets me do w/e so i dont fight with him when he says no to something… oh yah, btw i printed 200 fliers for lawn mowing for free at the library (saved 20 bucks) and then my dad told me not to do it. but w/e i might just tell him im doing it anyway and he wont ground me… i donno.

Well, if you’re not allowed to mow lawns, he obviously doesnt let you do whatever youw ant.

Anyways, when I was your age, I worked with my mom and dad doing whatever to make a few dollars. I mowed lawns, and just did whatever I could to make some extra cash.

step one:Learn guitar
step two:find a venue or area where alchehol is in large supply
step three: play

I do this about once a week and i make about 20$-40$ evey time

ive got it peint out 500 sheets of blank paper for free and then sell it to the library

get a job
i got my first job at mc donalds when i was 13, even though its law to be 14 9 months here in Oz. but all you need is parents permission
seriously, maccas will take anyone. though it only pays $7.40/hour

Although you may have to watch your language, thanks to some of your posts i know relate the canadian flag with the F word, you know the one with the F at the start? then a U as in FU then C and K go next. Yep that one.
Beg on the corner, use pleases and thankyous and wear and old blanket.

Quit STEALING from Libraries!! You didn’t save $20, you STOLE $20. Libraries give you some of the worlds greatest riches for free.

I’m making alot from baby sitting, there alot of lazy rich people around here so if I need cash odd jobs will pay high :slight_smile: Just do odd jobs for a 10er.