Good trials unicycle for the $

I’m getting better at trials but I’m starting to feel limited by my old Torker CX. I don’t have a whole lot money to blow on a really expensive trials like the kh but I still want a good trials uni.

If you have any ideas please tell me, what to buy, where to buy(website), and how much it costs.

Thanks everybody:p


i am gonna go with the onza trials

Pffffffft, I just make mine out of left over wrapping paper and orphan bones.

unicycle not skullcycle


thanks, that really helps

get the qu_ax trials. its $300 off UDC when they last had it in stock, and is much better than the DX.

Mornish :angry: I see you like everyday, I don’t need your opinion I’ve had already gotten it like 30 times.

i agree with him! lol

everyone is being mean to me:( :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

torker dx is cheap and strong.

torker dx frame is cheap and weak!

muzzle, you see me every day? Creepy :astonished:

on the r.s.u maybe?
anyways, i was using bad english… i was agreeing with you (on the unicycle subject thing) but it sounded like i was agreeing with the other guy.

Though the DX has a heavy weak frame that will last about 5 months, you can sheaply replace it with the Nimbus II which is stronger, and lighter, and still end up with a cheap trials machine.

Your post is moslty fact… Except my frame lasted maybe 3 or 4 months. lol. Might as well buy a nimbus II frame at the same time as you buy the Torker. :stuck_out_tongue:

new uni ?

is a nimbus trials good for my second uni?