Brand New White Try-All Sticky tire $40
Brand New White Try-All Pedals $20
Brand New Green Devil Frame $50 Its Real Name is the “Orange Bud”
Used KOXX cranks $40 (ISIS Light)
With any purchase a free:
Used KH Black Double bolt Clamp
barely used 32spoke 19inch Echo Rim
Used (Welgo MG1, 661, or odyssey twisted) pedal (right sides only)
you pay shipping
it would be nice if some bought it all at once.
Can u he the white sticky until NATS? If you can I will definatly buy it there.
Do you think you could hold the Try-All pedals until NATS? I found out I’m going for sure.
let me see if tyler still wants the pedals cause he asked first.
Is any of this still available? Interested in the tire, maybe the pedals.
hey joe? what you still got?
I think I’ve still got dibs on the pedals.
Joe, can we set something up so you can ship them here?