Good News

HEy i thought you guys might dig some good PR for us unicyclists. Im the president of my highschool MTB/MUNI club and the Unicycle club got a full page in the yearbook of just muniing and trials. We have seven riders in the club on unis and alot of us are cross overs from doing downhill and freeride mountain biking.

Sweet. Good promo, plus always nice to see the growth.

More of us, less of them :).

Woah dude thats awesome! A hole unicycle club at your school!
My name got read out in assembly for unicycling the other day, and I was in the monthly newsletter.
But good job with the club.

now that is kewl!!

Would the owner of the unicycle locked to the emergency exit please report to the principal’s office. :slight_smile:

yeah we are now have a weekly meeting with lots of trail building to do

that is awesome. my photographer friend has been planning on taking pictures of us riding sometime, and hopefully get them in the yearbook. but haven’t gotten with him yet… probably won’t happen, unfortunately. nice job though!

EDIT would it be possible for you to scan and upload a picture of the uni-page? that would be flippin sweet.