Good music downloads


were do you guys get your music online? I’ve given up on iTunes and was wondering if you guys know of any good sites?

Limewire, it’s a program, I use it.
Or get AIM add me and I’ll send you some good songs.

limewire takes forever to download stuff, also not sure if it legal :thinking:

Limewire is illegal, yes.

Whenever I find a new artist i like, I find a torrent of their discography or I just download a few full albums. I very rarely download single songs.

Thats the way to do it…
But the easiest way for you is to get limewire. The speed of download depends on how many sources there are, and of course your internet speed. The program itself is not illegal, however the downloading of songs is. Don’t take your chances if you don’t want to, but millions of people download this way.

go to google and type cr3ation b3ta so 3 instead of e and the go to music seach. They have got quite a bit of music and you dont need to download the program just go online.

OiNK is a torrent site, but you need an invite, which I have none of.
It’s literally got everything on it.

There are hundreds. I quite like

or theres or… you get the point, they all feed off each other anyway!

And, people will also need software such as azureus, which if you type in the search on , you can download for free!

Then just open the torrent u got from a website and start downloading your file!

OiNK isn’t the greatest. It’s only like a level 6. But I do have invites to it.

ooo!! Invite me please!!

I use limewire to download everything if not that then bearshare they used to be really good but they suddenly got crap but they are still ok.Im downloading some Jack Savoretti right now because he is fit and sounds good lol.

Used to use WinMX for years, no crap, no spyware or anything. It got closed down.

You can still use it, because a lot of users came together and got it working again.

But now I use Phex, small download, no crap, its free, and is perfect, specially because you dont get advertisements and stuff like you do from a lot of other stuff.

I also use utorrent for my torrents.

Yea Utorrent and private trackers ftw.

Yeah WinMX was the greatest.

Recently I have found shareaza its like a hybrid program that can download from the 3 different networks and as an added bonus it can download torrents. No spyware, no ads, no crap.

Do a search for the SXSW festival’s 2006 & 2007 torrents. All free, all legal, I think it was 2 files for 2006 totaling 3Gigs and last I checked 1 file for 2007 at 3.1 gigs. All different genres, good stuff :slight_smile:

thats my three letters.

limewire is legal. The files on the network usually arent though :stuck_out_tongue: (thats the whole problem)

there are quite a few sites that sell songs for 99Cent without any drm. I personally prefer buying an album but there we go some people prefer mp3’s. If someone sells FLAC though i might change my mind.

eMusic sells MP3s. But it’s a subscription service and I don’t like that style of store. It forces you to buy a certain number of songs per month, every month whether you want to or not till you cancel.

JDW, I don’t know what kind of music you like but if it is at all mainstream try Guildford Library. CDs are 75p for a one week loan and they usually have a pretty good selection. Also it’s free to order CDs in from other libraries in Surrey at the moment, which makes loads more available. If they have what you like it’s cheaper and less hassle than downloading!

thats a pretty good way of getting music - might try it. Libraries are awesome. 1 pound for 1 week of dvd rental. i love it :smiley: