good jokes

not gonna lie, that may have been the funniest thing ive read on this forum in weeks. hahahahahahahahahahaha.

 	 	 	 	 	  No, not really.  I've been around long enough that I was one of the lucky ones to be part of the original guni in a crate tour.  I swear I didn't take that bottle of wine that was meant for the end of tour in  CA.  I had used a pseudonym but lately have been influenced by the honesty of everyone on this forum and decided to use my real name.   :roll_eyes:

I don’t know quite what you find funny about being offensive for the sake of being offensive.

A forum is a place where everyone meets. Think of it as a crowded room full of strangers as well as friends and behave accordingly.

quite frankly i find the under 20’s here to be distasteful in general. i think perhaps they need a kids corner where they can just be. that is no joke.

the joke was what it was. this place is simply not the place for it, and perhaps those who defend it should be elsewhere too. you won’t be missed.

For 7 years, this was the first site I came to every time I logged on to the internet. Now it’s the last one of my “favourites” that I check.

But it’s not fair to lump all under 20s together. It never was fair to do so - I and I hated it when I was under 20.

that would make it even more hilarious. hahahaha.

okay. Here it is. tbh -

A socially awkward joke (as i like to call them) is funny because of how dumb and immature it is. Its the same as drawing a penis on something. I mean, some people here are being humor bigots, and I don’t really care. I sometimes like to go places in humor, and cross some well defined lines, but I enjoy a pun about biology as well as the next (fun)guy. rimshot To you, what would be a joke about masturbating over a dead baby is about as unpleasant as continuing threads about religion, or discussing it for that matter. You know?

Also, i dont frankly care about language for the most part, unless its around children or a workplace or me putting off a good public image (which is when i’m at work). And by children, i mean kids under 13.

You say “family forum”, i say “its the internet”. Deal with it. If you cant stand an unpleasant joke, you shouldn’t be on the internet.

Bye then.

im going to side with mikefule here
he has always been a voice of reason on this forum and this is no exception
+1 to his crowded room metaphor

Ah yes, the dreaded workplace, the ol’ salt mines. Never cared much for work myself, more or less depended on my good looks and family connections to get by. Fortunae’s wheel has spun me around a few times and I periodically find myself going in for a job interview. I’m grateful that no one here has attached my name to some of the embarrassing threads to which I have contributed. I wouldn’t want that interviewer to be doing a Google search on my name in the middle of an interview. :astonished:

A man was in a horrible horrible car crash. The side of his car was sheared off when he struck a steel beam at high speed. The entire left side of his body was crushed, and had to be amputated.

But it’s okay. He’s all right now.

its got a chuckle from me

Sorry guys, I thought that was hilarious XD

And since you represent those that sponsor you, we should assume that they think its funny also?

Omg why does everyone try this trick on me.

Hahahaha, feel free to read through my contract good sir. (no i’m not actually going to let you, I’ll read it for you, falalalalala reads contract nope your wrong :D)

You guys need a better sense of humor :wink:

Gah!! only realised what was going on by some messages some of you who were so concerned to send. i was just as surprised as you lot.

i didnt post that, but i know which one of my dumbass friends did. :angry: (he posted the same joke on my facebook!)

i want to apologise to anyone who took offence, and to anyone that got a laugh, im glad it wasnt a totally disaster. :S

i tried to delete it as many of you suggested but i dont know how? can someone help??

sorry again.

Don’t apologize.

That was gold.

Anyone hear the one about the hamster and the saran wrap?

NOOOOOOOooooooooooo! Please Mike, don’t be so selfish. We (I mean I and many “average socialy skilled” people) NEED you on these fora.
I hope you only meant to leave THIS thread.:frowning:

Unicycledood, why do you keep posting that you think this is hilarious? Many years ago my wife and I lost a baby and it is still painful. Your high level of skill doesn’t give you the right to be so insulting.

The internet…serious business.

Every joke at its core is making fun of something. Everyone just has different limits as to what you can say that’ll offend them. I’m sure everyone here has told a “Your momma is so…” joke and got a big laugh out of it. Say that to a Latino and he’ll take great offense to it. I’ve told old people jokes and have gotten “You need to respect your elders” despite the fact that it was a simple, tasteful joke.

But you gotta remember, it’s a joke. We don’t mean it. There’s a difference between saying a ridiculously over the top dead baby joke and me going to Doug and going “Hey man, remember when your baby died? That was goddamn hilarious!”

If I did the ladder, I’d expect a headbutt.

no one was making fun of your situation, doug. In fact i’m sure that most/all of the forum is understanding in why you feel insulted. I feel dearly sorry for your loss, and i see how you wont think a joke like that is funny. It obviously wasn’t intended for you.

A joke is a joke, who cares.