hey everyone,
Just wondering what iphone/ ipod touch applications you guys have found that you think are good. i have an ipod touch and i need to find some good apps, so just post any (free, or Paid) applications that you think are good.
fake calls. Works for both. Its a program that you open, and it calls you, asks you questions like a phone so you can fake a call if you don’t feel like talking to someone.
Simplify Media: access music library through phone connection or wifi
Shazaam: tells you song info based on 10 sec recording
Google Earth: google earth
Remote: control itunes wirelessly
Urban Spoon: cool restaraunt finder
Pandora: pandora
MyLite: flashlight/strobe light/fake lighter Games:
Dactyl: kind of like Whack-a-mole with bombs
Tap Tap: guitar hero/ddr hybrid
Tris: tetris
iBowl: bowling using the accelerometer
Lightsaber: lightsaber
Cube Runner: fly a ship througha cube maze using accelerometer
Im not into apps. The only thing I sometimes use is a quick game of tetris or whatever is on the phone I am using at the time. Otherwise its stashed away. EDIT: If my battery lasted mroe than an hour id probably be different. Some would be nice on the long car rides and all.
My idea for an iPhone/Touch application is an app that says either “Your music rocks!” or “Your music sucks” based on what music is on the iPod/iPhone. It would be free as a public service.
I saw a commercial for that one last night, and it was one of the few things that made me want an iPhone. It’s like a little slot machine app to help you pick a restaurant. How often have you and your friends said:
‘Let’s go out.’
‘Okay, where?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘Well, what kind of food do you want?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘You pick.’
‘No, you pick.’
Where I used to work, somebody made a little web app that was a virtual “food spinner” for when we couldn’t decide where to go. It would randomly pick a place off our little list. This one’s much better, and you shake the phone to start it spinning.
The other thing that made me want an iPone was actually getting to play with one, a month before they hit the market. They’re still cool. I’m just on a corporate phone plan with T-Mobile, so I don’t get a choice…
[off topic request]
Jay, your avatar has jpeg compression artifacts. That bothers me. Really really bothers me. I hate jpeg artifacts. For my sanity please please use a higher quality setting to compress your avatar.
Is there anything for the Touch (with version 2 firmware) that will allow it to allow it to sync music using third party apps (something other than iTunes)?
I just used paint to quickly make it. I don’t like spending money on editing programs. I don’t think it looks too bad, and it dosen’t bother me. But if it would help you, I would love to change it. could you tell me how to do this without spending any money on extra programs? or is there another format that I should be setting it to?
sorry everyone for the quick off topic disscusion, and thanks everyone for giving me ideas, Ihave already found some great apps!
Paint doesn’t give you an option to select the jpeg compression level when you save as a jpeg. You’re stuck with the default compression.
You can use IrfanView or Paint.NET. Both are free programs. Both will allow you to select the jpeg compression level when you save as a jpeg. Experiment with different compression levels till you find a good compromise that minimizes compression artifacts yet keeps the image file size below 19 KB or less. Hopefully you have a BMP file of your avatar that has the solid pink without the jpeg artifacts. Open the BMP file in IrfanView or Paint.NET, save the file as a jpeg and experiment with different compression levels.
If you look closely at the pink areas around the unicycle and around your figure you can see blocky areas in the pink. Those blocks are jpeg compression artifacts. If you look at the picture of the dog that maestro8 posted you can also see obvious jpeg compression artifacts. Higher jpeg quality levels for compression can eliminate all visible jpeg artifacts but will result in a larger file size.
My comment about your avatar was tongue-in-cheek. I hope you took it as such. Consider it a PSA about the hazards of too much jpeg compression. Parents really should teach their children about these things.