I say that cause it wasn’t all unicycling. Started off with me going through the drivethrough at the new Dunkin Donuts, getting two and a coffee, and then heading to my last day of Motorcycle training course. We had 4 days total, two book and two riding. Thursday we took the written test and I passed, no flying colors. Today we’d ride and then take the riding test. I was nervous, but I thought to myself, ya know, your doing this cause you enjoy it, so you should wanna do it. I also prayed that we’d all pass, which we did, thank God for that. I then went to show my friend Jim, and he said that the church auction was today, so I decided to go to that. I spent the rest of the day there, mainly hanging out with some kids I knew, and others I didn’t. A bunch of them tried Calebs unicycle that he brought, and I showed off my skills, riding forwards, backwards, one footed, hoping, and turning, it’s getting more impressive as I practice. I also rode stomach on seat, and seat out a litttle, which I found easier I think due to wearing hi tops.
Ok, so the thing was to raise money for the new church we’re gonna build, and some people we’re being auctioned off as " slaves" to do odds and ends work. I did it last year, but I hadn’t thought to sign up till that day, which they let me. I also decided i’d try to sell unicycle lessons, and see how that went over. When they went to sell me I got to stand up front, which is kinds scary, but I had fun with it, I went to a guy I know for 80 bucks, I think i’ll be doing yard work or something. Then the unicycle lessons went on the block, I got to give a small demo, not much room, then they started. It was slow at first, I think maybe 2 people really bidded, and it was for their little daughters, who both were riding during the day anyways, well not riding riding, but trying. Anyways, that went for 50 bucks, so thats cool, sometime i’m gonna probably tell her the basics and let her practice, and probably loan her a unicycle, so it turned out well.
Then I did something I could regret, but I don’t cause it was fun. They had some of those 5 pound Hersheys Chocolate bars for bid, and I wanted one, seems another guy did to. It started off at 25 and got up to 110, which is where I gave up. So the guy ended up paying that much, which is ok cause it goes to a good cause. There was two of them so the auctioneer asked if I wanted the other one for the same price, and I took it : ). I split in four for the family, so it goes to show that chocholate does make people do weird things. Later at the end I put it in my shirt and tucked it in, then I went around saying stuff like " well I finished all of it" and " it gave me washboard abs". so that was fun and got laughs, as did it when I rode the unicycle carrying it.
So i’m tired and my feet hurt, I think those wal mart hi tops aren’t good for comfort, but it was a good day all in all and i’m thankfull God let me enjoy it.
ps, yes it is long, but thanks if you read it, I like typing cause it’s a good way to get all my thoughts out of my head : )