Golden Compass

I never read the book, never heard about it til I saw the movie previews. Hollywood has a real good way of over dramatizing stuff all the time, making the story appear better than it actually was. Adding stuff that didn’t happen, taking things away that were considered important yet ‘boring’ parts of the plot.

Kinda like Beowulf, has anyone seen the European version? it was filmed in Iceland. I like the story line to “Beowulf and Grendel” (the euro version) than I do “Beowulf” (the Hollywood version). However, the special effects and animation are very well done in the Hollywood version.

Hmm… I guess its safe to say that I overall like “Beowulf and Grendel” and I only like the animation in “Beowulf” haha! Yeah, “Beowulf” was close to the true story for about the first 20 mins, after that, I have no idea where they came up with that story. :thinking:

You started this post with my post in a quote box, and never once adressed my point. Why quote me at all? :thinking:

Hahaha! Sorry, I didn’t even realize I did that! I must have hit the quote button instead of the reply. Sorry bout that!

…but still! Don’t you feel special when you get quoted? I sure do when people quote me! lol! :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry to be off topic but another good trilogy is the space trilogy by cs lewis

its great

If the Chronicles of Narnia can exist, so can His Dark Materials (of which Golden Compass is a part of).

Also…have you read the books you are bashing?

If someone’s beliefs can be destroyed by a series of books with talking polar bears…then…well…Wow. What is wrong with children questioning things anyway?

In that case you must bring your saber/rapier/whatever and chop down whoever dares to stand in your way.

i thought that to, i just read a little bit of the first book

Originally Posted by mornish
I read the first half of that book and hated it.

It’s written so badly and nothing happens.

thats how the first 4 harry potters started
like the reader was mentally handicapped

and i agree with siafirede its the anti-narnia

A) I’m not saying they can’t exist, I’m saying good writers write for the sake of entertaining people, not undermining their beliefs.
B) I’m not bashing the books, I’m bashing the Author of the books
C) Children often believe in a good natured fat guy in a red suit who breaks into their houses to leave presents, a part bug part human that fly’s around and trades small amounts of cash for teeth left under a pillow, a giant bunny that delivers candy filled eggs, and monsters that live in their rooms and want to eat them. Why is it that hard to believe that a book in which a couple of children kill God could cause them to doubt the things their parents have taught them?

Pullman isn’t just advocating a lack of religion, but the freedom from moral code. He’s pushing for a society so liberal, that ethical concerns cease to exist. He even admits on his website that his favorite character was one who was unrestrained in her actions. Whether or not you believe in a god, any god, I pray to my God that you are at least wise enough to acknowledge the importance of morality.

that is my favorite thing about Pullman. The world would be a much better place if everyone was that anti religion

I guess this was bound to turn into another “lets debate religion” threads.

Morality and atheism are not mutually exclusive. If you did read the books you would realize that the main character, Lyra, is full of moral code and virtue.

Good writers don’t just write for the sake of entertaining people. Pullman isn’t a clown (at least…as far as I know). What is wrong with bringing theology and a little bit of intelligence into children’s literature?

Also, the books seem like they are trying to undermine dogma and corrupt authority, not religion and virtue.

What is wrong with doubt? Children are inquisitive by nature and they should be questioning things. Parents should also be interacting with their children and be able to answer the questions they are asking or at least attempt to.

Would it be?

I have become a lot better of a person through Christianity, through what I read from the Bible, and from a weekly meeting I have every Monday, and a LTG* meeting I do Tuesdays with my friend Jordan.

I don’t cuss anymore, I understand peoples reactions and feelings before I react back to them, I think of what I am going to do or say before I say. I am very open to all people and do not hold anger and hate towards other people.

I was like that before a little, but now, I have a reason to always be like that, and feel its important to thrive to act that way.

So before I was ok, but not great, and myself now is a lot better than I was then.

  • LTG is Life transformation group. An easy way to put it is “Iron sharpens Iron, so one person sharpens another.” Basically, one day a week, me and Jordan get together, and have a set of questions to ask each other, and we answer them truthfully. This shows us what we need to work on better and give a reason to not go against what we should be doing. Cause I don’t want to do something immoral and bad then have to tell him all that. Its embarrassing and doesn’t make me feel good about myself. This doesn’t even have to be a Christian thing, cause the questions by themself are really good to talk about with any one you have a relationship with. Friends, parents, boyfriend/girlfriend. Its fun.

Pullman is pretty obviously anti christian in the books, and if the movie (which I haven’t seen) doesn’t reflect that, it’s probably in order to avoid causing offense. Pullman has been open about it, and so has C. S. Lewis. I don’t see what the problem is.

You hobnob!!!

Good writers write for the sake of writing! And often to undermine someone’s beliefs: Uncle Tom’s Hut, anyone?

I think it’s cabin*, Ivan.

And Sam, I agree with everyone else. Saying that writers only write to entertain people is a pretty naive statement. I would say more but then I’d just be repeating other people.


I watched the movie last night, it was ok I guess. I’ve not read the books so I can’t really comment on certain aspects of the film but it did seem to string scenes together without any kind of back story or continuation, which was a bit annoying. It was obviously done in a way to target and entertain children (young children).

I can’t be bothered to debate the whole religion issue, I don’t believe in any of it, but some people do and thats that.

No, if the movie doesn’t reflect that, it’s because pullman AS HE ADMITTED wantsd to get Christians to let their gaurd down so that they will bring the books into their homes.

You’ve become a better person because you chose to be not because of Christianity.

As you said in your footnote, LTG is not a religious thing it’s just a self-improvement thing.

As far as Golden Compass I think it’s hilarious that people are so afraid of views that contradict theirs that they freak out and plan boycotts and all that fun stuff where most of the people involved probably haven’t read the books or seen the movie.

I have a feeling that the intelligent well grounded Christians don’t have any problem with this sort of thing.

So you’ve seen the movie? And had one on one discussions with Pullman?