Golden Compass

Anyone else excited about this movie coming out? I read the book as a kid and really liked it, so I reread it recently and now I am pretty excited to see what they do with the movie. I hope I am not too dissapointed!

I never read the book, but I am somewhat excited to go see the movie. Should be good.

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, but I remember that a few years ago I had this dream where a Stainless Steel Rat movie was on the tely and I turned it on and only got the final credits and I was so amazed and excited to see that there was an actual Stainless Steel Rat movie and it was just so great… Then I woke up and there wasn’t a Stainless Steel Rat movie. I was incredibly disappointed.

Now, a few years later there still isn’t a Stainless Steel Rat movie and I’m very very glad there isn’t.

The End.

I read Northern lights as a kid, loved it. Not too sure that I’ll like the film adaptation too much.

I saw a whole load of the filming for this film being done over the last year or two. My college, mate’s houses and numerous local landmaks are in it. Also i read the books when they first came out and loved them so yeah I’m pretty excited.

the book series is one of my (more recently written) favourites. can’t wait.

i hadn’t heard about it until i saw the previews at Bee Movie

boy Bee Movie was hilarious!

Stoked about this movie! I can’t wait to see it, I’m going with a bunch of my buddies on Friday! Soooo excited! :slight_smile:

Are you bringing your horse with?

dude you have to read the book, it’s amazing. super excited

Same with me, I’m getting a group together for Friday.

I can’t wait for Iorek to throwdown.

I hope that they don’t dumb down the book too much. I heard that they removed all references to “The Church” to make the movie more appealing to a wider audience. I also hope they don’t only refer to the alethiometer as “the golden compass” because it just sounds cheesy to call it that over and over like they do in the previews.

I read the first half of that book and hated it.

It’s written so badly and nothing happens.

here’s some good books…

The sword of truth series,
the twilight/ new moon/ eclipse series,
The R.A. Salvatore/ forgotten realms series,
the wheel of time series.

I don’t think they would allow him in the theater, otherwise I would! haha!

You live in northern VA? I have some friends that live out that way. One lives in Burke, the other lives in Fairfax. Nice area. I had thought about living there some day. (I move around a lot, I tend to wander wherever the breeze takes me. :slight_smile: )

Yeah, I am in Fairfax. Also have a few friends over out towards Burke.

I don’t know about Northern VA being all that nice, I am actually trying to move out of the area haha.

I was excited to see it, but then I heard an interview between…I want to say Mtv…and the author and he was basically saying he wrote the books to oppose religion and that he purposely diluted the first movie so it would seem like an innocent fantasy movie, but each of the three would become progressively more blatent untill the last one is a scathing criticism of the church. Basically he admitted to wanting to hook people on the movie and use it as propaganda to undermine what people believe. I think that’s sick. He’s basically preying on young minds, trying to influence them away from a belief in God without them knowing. Brainwashing the children of the world seems like a selfish and narrow minded goal for a writer.

Or a church. Children should be taught to think, ask questions, and understand why, not just be told “because it says so here.”

here are links to more information: this site has quotes of Pullman where he admits to the movie being diluted so christian parents will buy the books for their children. and
This is a quote from the essay that this link will take you to “Lyra’s parents drive the plot. Her father is Lord Asriel, whose name, Miltonists will recognize, belongs to the angel who refused to join Satan. Yet, Lord Asriel is one of the story’s two Lucifer figures, the one who wants to destroy God so that the “republic of heaven” can be set up on earth. (So many totalitarians have had that dream, you would think Pullman would be leery of it, but he is as enthralled with the idea as Blake.) Lyra’s mother is Mrs. Coulter, a church careerist who is most happy torturing children and heretics. In the background is the evil church, part Roman Catholic, part Nazi, but with an implied Calvinist theology, for its Vatican is located in Geneva. The second Lucifer figure in HDM is the ex-nun physicist, Dr. Mary Malone, Lyra’s beneficent tempter, who, near the end of the last book makes the trilogy’s theme explicit: “The Christian religion is a very powerful and very convincing mistake, that’s all.” (The impetus for Mary’s insight? At a physics conference which she attends as a nun, she discovers she wants to have sex with another physicist, and any creed which gets in the way of that just has to be wrong!)”

I agree, but, if Parents want to instill a religion in their children, and then the child wants to reject it later, that’s totally different from a man writing books that purposely mislead children. I am not saying he shouldn’t have written the books, but for him to write them with that sort of ulterior motive is sinister. It’d be like if C.S. Lewis had said “Yeah, I wrote these books to go under the radar and get atheist kids to read them. I really just want to trick non-religious parents into allowing their children to read something that undermines their beliefs.”

Its nicer than a lot of places I’ve seen. People I’ve met there are pretty cool too! :slight_smile: