next week-end I’m going to London! My question is: What unicycle/circus-shops are there, and which are the best?
next week-end I’m going to London! My question is: What unicycle/circus-shops are there, and which are the best?
London rules!
There’s oddballs in cambden on the corner of the market, it does some good juggling stuff and one or two unis but nothign special. That’s probably about it Im afraid, never heard of any others in london.
Do they have torches there?
Not anymore. They have electricity now, I hear.
Edit: that was lame, sorry.
Uh… electricity, what the do you mean?
Well, I mean they have electricity, so they don’t need to light torches anymore. I told you it was lame.
Oh, how disappointingly (du i rait it laic zat? ) offtopic.
But London is so big, there must be better shops than that?!
Yeah they do, the ceiling of the shop in entirely covered with sets of clubs/torches/knives hanging up. I don’t live in London but in my 7 years of juggling the oddballs shops in cambden, crawley and brighton are the only UK juggling shops Ive heard of.
i know there is the london unicycling club.
dont know anything about them, just know they exist.
Clubs, knives & torches? Wooohooo! .
I’ll do a search on here for London uni club.
There are also a bunch of circus people who meet up in spittlefields every tuesday night - inside the market space. Its well worth a look in, lots of juggling, hula hoops, spinning and of course unicycles I think its free or by donation - but anyway, loads of great people, heaps of nice tricks.
You might want to try searching for Lunis, it’s the name of the London unicycle hockey club who are I think the largest unicycle related club in the area, I don’t know if they do other stuff (besdies hockey) aswell but I’m sure their members could put you in contact with any other clubs in London that you might want to visit.
Spittlefields? Sounds cool Where is it BTW?
Visiting Luni’s would be nice too, I’ve just got to get my family to let me
Didn’t get time to go there.