I wanted so desperately to do these lines for my segment of OWA but i just couldn’t do them! It was so frustrating. The balance line along the wooden fence was the one I particularly wanted in there and I came so close to trying today. I thought the fence was going to fall down when I was up there…it wobbles literally about 15cm each way!
It’s so frustrating because I know I can do them, I’m just too scared. Oh well, they’ll hopefully be in the next movie we make.
Sometimes it’s okay to be scared. In cases like this, it’s your brain trying to talk some sense into you. So it doesn’t have to say “I told you so” after you’re in the hospital.
Whose fences are those, anyway?
those pics are so awesome!
i too am trying to work up the courage to ride a rail (only mines about 4 inches wide). its a banister, so if i fall off towards the other banister i could be in big trouble. thus far i haven’t gotten up the courage to try. i wish there were some rails only 2 or 3 feet high for me to practice on… maybe ill try building the skinnies you explained how to make on some other thread.
Why, they’re our fences of course. I’ve been milking the yard clean of all it’s trials lines.
I wasn’t sure whether or not my practise rails and gapping bars, etc had helped me until recently. Now I’m sure they’ve definately helped a lot. I have more confidence and control on the higher and skinnier stuff now. Go out and build some!
man dude i could never ride a fence that high or thin…i just rode my first 2 inch suspended platform like a month ago
Wow,I have trouble just standing on somthing like that.