Gmail Notifier

Have any of you seen the new gmail notifier? It’s a little application that sits in your system tray and notifies you when you have a new message. It also has an option which allows you to change the default windows email program to be gmail - so when you click on a mailto: link on the internet, it opens gmail instead of outlook.

I just installed it and I’ll post what I think about it later.

Here’s the like:


Moved to “Just Conversation.” Please only post unicycling topics in the RSU forum.

haha busted

oops, I thought I was in JC. Sorry Gilby.

Yeah it’s a fantastic program. I didn’t realise it did what you said it does though. I’d only been using it as notification of new emails (which is great because it gives a little prreview of the message). I love Gmail!


Holy Crap! Man I have been wanting one of these for a while, I hate having to coy the email address and then paste it after leaving the site to go to my compose thingy. Thanks Ma Man!!

i had no F***en idea what the helll you were taking about but it sounded relly cool

Re: Gmail Notifier

the system requirements state windows 2000, xp or newer
will it not run on windows 98 at all?

Re: Re: Gmail Notifier

It might, but It would probably be really glitchy/slowish if it did. Usually system requirements are mostly compatibility, so you have about a 80/20 chance of it working(odds against you), but if it did work it would be mega slow, even if it is such a miniscule file…

and just when i was beginning to enjoy my GMAIL account :frowning:

Re: Re: Re: Gmail Notifier

not even that much, the installer wouldn’t even run
showed me a lil’ pop-up to tell me that i need windows 2000 xp or blah, blah, blah
oh well, getting a new puter in the studio soon
should have all those bells and whistles