gmail invite

hey i have a few gmail invites if anyone wants one
please email me at with your name and email address if you want one

forgive m if I’m being naiive, but what’s gmail?


If you go to you can read all about it. Basically, it’s a free web-based e-mail account with a massive amount of storage. Right now, new accounts are by invitation from current account-holders only…

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

in adition it also features the kewlest way of archiving your messages
instead of putting messages u want to keep into particular folders, u attach 'labels to them and then chuck them all into the ‘archive’
the nice thing is that u can attach multiple labels to a single message so u can ‘file’ it under the correspondent’s name, under unicycling (if that’s what u discussed), under contacst (if he gave u someone’s contact details in the email), basically anything that u might ever want to find that message for again is then cross-referencable
u can also use a google-powered search function to look for anything in particular in your archive

it is however not
universally liked

they need to update that site, the case against Brandon Mayfield was dropped months ago and he is now suing the FBI.

the site does raise some privacy issues that are still relevant tho

I think I’ll steer clear of gmail having read the contents of that link. On a day when the queen’s speech announced that compulsory ID cards are going to be phased in from 2008 it’s interesting to read…And if anyone thinks they’re going to make me carry a card with my biometric information on it, that thousands of people will be able to access through the database that’ll come with these cards…well, quite frankly they can bugger right off!

yours (in paranoid fear of my privacy),


don’t worry about the card too much, it’s when they want to implant the chip carrying all the same information that u should start packing
and the day they move the headquarters of the UN, head for the hills, i’ll be waiting for u

oops, wrong meeting…

Those people are a conspiracy lot. Like the people who still believe in a second shooter on the grassy knoll.

Gmail has a computer program scan your email for keyword to serve relevant ads along with your email. From that they extrapolate all sorts of crazy scenarios. A computer scanning for keywords is not a big deal.

If you don’t want keyword ads then don’t get a free email account that is ad supported. Pay for an account that will give you no ads or other similar features.

If you’re sending or receiving email that might get you in trouble if the FBI or RIAA happened to get a court order for your email records or some other email data, well then, you shouldn’t be using any form of web mail. That includes Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Excite,, and many many others. You should also be encrypting your email that you send and require that people who send you mail also encrypt their mail. At that point, the archiving and keyword searching in Gmail are the least of your worries. If you need privacy then you should be running your own email server and not relying on web mail or your ISPs email system.

That whole Gmail is too creepy site is all bunk weaved by conspiracy theorists. Gmail is no more creepy than Hotmail, Yahoo, or any other web mail provider. The world in creepy.

I don’t have a Gmail address yet. But I’ll be getting one at some point so I can play with it and see if I like it.

Let me know, I have 6 invites.

That’s exactly what I thought the first time I read that site. Hotmail creeped me out more than anything because of the insane amounts of spam I recieved. Within a few weeks after I got my hotmail address the spam was so bad that it wasn’t worth my time to sort through it to find the real email messages. I quit with hotmail years ago (before they had the spam filters as part of the account) due to that reason alone. It was too creepy.

I’ve got 5 invites if anyone wants one.

Does anyone have any real complaints about Gmail? I know plenty of you are using it now; do you find you get a lot of Spam or anything else? I don’t care if the FBI reads my mail. They’ll be pretty bored if they do. I just don’t want Google or anyone else selling my email address.

I’ve recieved one spam message in Gmail since getting the account a few months ago. I wouldn’t have even noticed it if I didn’t happen to check the spam folder in that month.

I love Gmail. The whole layout and the way it works makes so much more sense.


i’ve only had one offer of $40 million dollars at gmail so far myself
my only complaint is that there isn’t a delete button on the face of the mail-reading window, u have to select it from a drop down menu
apart from that, it’s pretty kewl

oh, and oswald shot kennedy cause the toothfaerie told him to

But my mommy and daddy told me the toothfaerie was a democrat!

I use Lunarpages. No ads, and I have full control over my account. And if anyone is reading or analyzing my mail, they aren’t supposed to be. The difference is I have to pay for it. I don’t mind paying for control over my email and other Web stuff (they host

Yes I get spam, tons of it. But this is from using the same email address for 5 years, not from my ISP. I use Cloudmark Spamnet on my Windows machine, and an AppleScript called SpamSieve on my Mac. They do a great job without whitelists and blacklists.

For a free email account, gmail sounds like a good bet. I just use my regular email address, and bogus email addresses for stuff where I don’t want to read anything.

this is good unicyclers new account.
please stop emailing requesting a invite.
i am all out,

i have one invite left