Gliding to Riding, Getting feet back on pedals?

Hey all,

Resently i have taken up gliding, i can glide about as far as i want as long as i have a good hill, but the trouble i have now it getting my feet back on the pedals, i allways seem to wack my self with the epdals and get nasty wounds from my pins, anyon e got any tips?

This doesn’t help any, but you got any tips learning TO glide?

The easiest way to get out is to increase the pressure, so that you slow down. Then you can switch to wheel walking, then go down to the pedals. (You can already do that transition, right?) If you’re going downhill, it’s hard to come to a stop like that, so what you have to do is lean hard, to the right or left, depending on which foot you glide with, so that you make a fairly sharp 180 turn and start going uphill. Then switch to wheel walking, then to the pedals. That’s the way I always do it.
You can also go right from gliding to the pedals by watching the pedals and putting your feet down at the right time, but this might be hard downhill. I haven’t actually done this transition, but I can go right from coasting, foot in or leg extended to regular riding, just by watching the pedals and catching one with my foot at the right time, so the same technique should work for gliding. Going through wheel walk is far easier, though.

Evan, sounds like you’re going too fast. Safest way to learn this is to get in and out of wheel walking. It’s easier to go back and forth on that one without using up as much time.

I generally go for the rear pedal as it’s coming up. You don’t have to do it that way, but it’s a good start. If you’re catching a pedal on the back half of the stroke, you need to be leaning a little back because your foot’s going to slow the wheel down.

If you put down your foot on a front pedal, you have to be leaning a little forward because you’re going to accelerate a little.

So mainly slow down first and work the trick. Then you can add the speed back later!

To learn how to glide, use the search, young Jedi.

Yes, the major ffactor that helped me is learn to one foot wheel walk but instead of taking your foot off then puting it back up higher on the wheel, just drag it back up then shove down, it gives you a better feel of how gliding feels, then get use to that, then do it on a big hill. Here is a vid of me doing it this morning, i got lucky and got my feet back on…Here