Girl Scouts vs. Boy Scouts

YIKES! Thats crazy.

Can’t really blame the kids, though.

That’s one of the requirements to get the “Me gay? No way!” merit badge.

I certainly don’t blame the kids for being boy scouts, and I was careful in explanation not to hold them responsible for the scouts’ stand on homosexuality. However, someone is to blame for the vandalism. If not the kids, then someone they told. There’s no place for that kind of behavior as far as I am concerned.

But maestro, you’re forgetting about the secret female weapons…you know, the silent treatment and THE LOOK. They are both devastating against anything a guy can bring to the arena.

Geez, that’s harsh…no wonder you don’t support them.
I support your…not-supporting

im a girl and i would say boy scouts …they at least have fun and got outside more ,well my brothers troops did

i learned the same thing as tomblackwood. that and how to shoot a gun, and sneek over to the girls camp site. i dont know what id do with out the training i recieved in the boy scouts

Scouts suck. They’re a bunch of cocky heteros who want to shove gender role playing down everybody’s throaghts.

If I had kids, I’d feel more safe if my kids were at a street-corner getting loaded then if they were hanging out with sexist, fag hating assholes.

That being said… I know a few nice scouts. But they have strange parents.

just got big news today turns out im a sexist, fag hating asshole. wooohooo. im glad somebody let me know!

I wasn’t really referring to scouts themselves but the organization is full of shit. I said I knew some nice scouts.

But, take Blake’s story or how my mom was given lots of shit for coaching boy scouts and being a woman and that women can’t coach boy scouts.
You might not suck, but from my experience and that of others, the organization is shitted up.

And also the whole thing about teahing boys/girls what they should do/act like sucks.

Nice boys wear pretty skirts and sew and real girls work out and become lion tamers.

I dunno whats up with all the hating on boy scouts… I’m a scout, and as far as I can tell there isn’t really any sort of anti-homosexual agenda… Then again, that’s just my troop. Really, the focus is on anti-pedophilia/molestation/etc. They have a bunch of rules against not having one scout and one leader alone in one place… Also, I don’t really see where the sexist idea comes from. For me, Scouts is really jut about going camping and hanging out with friends. I think it also teaches a lot of life-lessons on leadership and group work. THat said, I’m sure that some troops do have more of an agenda/bias, but does anybody know of any official BSA anti-homosexual policies? I’d actually be curious to find out…

I know lots of scout leaders have been fired for being queer and fag scouts have a hard time. My ex was constantly bullied and even jumped by other scouts.
The sexism is aparent when you have boy/girl scouts rather than “scouts”.

From what I’ve heard, what boy scouts do is a lot different from what girl scouts do. If a boy wants to learn sewing at scouts, let him. If a girl wants to learn how to shoot at scouts, let her.

WOW I was in scouts It was ok I just got bored My troop wasn’t sexist or anything Like some other on here

My problem with the boy scouts is that it’s a Christian organization and is indirectly given government money by being allowed to use space in and recruit at public school. Also the first Boy Scout Jamboree was held on Government property that was rented to them for $1.

I have no problem with it being a Christian Organization, but I do have a problem with the fact that act like they aren’t and just assume anyone who joins is Christian. I was a cub scout until I got to the second year and there was a section in the book about religion but it only covered Christianity in a way that just assumes that’s what you already believe. The shouldn’t be getting any type of government assistance.

Plus there they try to justify their stance against homosexuality as homosexual=child molester which is completely untrue, a greater percentage of child molesters come from the heterosexual population even when you take into account that homosexuals are a small percentage of the total population.

Podzol’s story sums up perfectly what’s wrong with the boy scouts though.

Would your troop have allowed a girl to join if she wanted to?

I was a member of the cub scouts, but quit before I officially became a boy scout. My sister was a girl scout, and was high in ranking before she quit due to stupid political games she was being forced to play to progress. That aside, the boy scouts and girl scouts pushes kids into neatly defined gender roles. My cub scout troop regularly camped, hiked, canoed, shot BB guns and arrows, cooked on the fire, made makeshift tents, etc. These are all things my sister really wanted to do. She tried to encourage her girl scout troop to do so. They went on one overnight camping trip, and all said it was too dirty and never did it again. All they did was cook things, sew, and make crafts for nursing home residents.

I think its crap how much these organizations stuff kids into preconceived gender roles.

If I ever have kids, they won’t be joining the boy scouts or girl scouts.

i was in the scouts, our troop was mixed as the guides only had about 4 girls in it so they amalgamated them. I never saw any issues with sexism, homophobia or religious leaning. It seems the organisation is very different across the pond, for starters scouts finishes at 12 1/2 over here, I barely knew what homosexuality was before i was too old to be a scout, I certainly wasn’t aware of the scouts anti-homosexuality stance at that time, perhaps if i was I wouldn’t have been so keen. It’s a shame that there are so many issues with an organisation whose aim is ultimately to educate kids and give them some self-respect and discipline, exercise and a love for the great outdoors, all things that both the US and UK could do with instiling in to their kids right now.

I’ve never been a scout, but it’s bothering me how many of you are putting down the organization for being sexist. While I do agree that

I really don’t see a problem with girls not being able to join a boy scout troop. It’s the same thing as an all-women college - why are men still allowed to join? It’s just people taking PC crap too far. Boy scouts and girl scouts are just fun groups to join and learn leadership skills, promote teamwork, and build friendships. It’s not forced sexism or anything. If a girl is in girl scouts and they won’t let her learn how to shoot a gun, then there are plenty of other ways she can learn that don’t involve any type of scout organization.


Not everyone is trying to stomp on your rights. If you don’t like the scouts, don’t join. I was in Brownies for a second and I never experienced any kind-of anti anything. We went on a camping trip and learned about the plants around us. Stuff boys did. Big deal if they don’t teach you how to sew, take a class. I do know people were upset because some of the “learn about sex” books the girl scouts were getting had pretty graphic images of people putting on condoms and stuff. People had an issue with that (which I don’t blame them), but c’mon. This “Anti-PC” crap is getting crazy. It’s stupid to get upset if BOYS can’t join GIRLscouts. Why would boys want to anyway?

Me too! Why should anyone ever complain about sexism or homophobia. They are just 2 different ways we teach HATE! Isn’t that what America stands for?

Without hate, how could we get Americans to support the grand massacre of innocent people in Vietnam, Iraq, or anywhere else? And America is the main massacrer, right?

They banned the Boy Scouts from using Public Schools cuz they teach hate.

What’s with that?

Those women in cubscouts are the den mothers. Like all the littel bear cubs in a “den.” Get it. For us, it was the mothers of the kids in the den, and they would take turns each month. The cub scout “Pack” was much bigger, consisting of all the dens.

If you made it to Tenderfoot, you didn’t earn anything. That’s the starting rank.
