March 7, 2005, 10:34am
So every year, I buy girl scout cookies. I put them on the counter at home and within a couple of days they disappear. I was certain my wife and kids were eating them.
Well, this year, I got wise and brought them to work and put them on my desk. I opened them, and I rememebr eating one or two. I just checked again and the box is empty. I know that no one else has been in my office.
So I have decided that those wiley little Girl Scouts have put something into their cookies that make them disappear after a couple of days.
Now the only thing left to figure out is where all these cookie crumbs on my desk came from.
The dingo ayt your cookies.
You have to be carefull with those…
… the subconscious takes over sometimes…
… and you never see them again.
March 7, 2005, 11:14am
No, I got rid of the dingo when he ate my Twinkies.
Originally posted by DigitalDave
[B]You have to be carefull with those…
… the subconscious takes over sometimes…
… and you never see them again. [/B]
Surely you aren’t implying that I ate the entire box myself!
March 7, 2005, 11:20am
I have never been so insulted!
Well, maybe I have, but not by you.
Nothing derogatory intended
I suffer delusion with them also.
March 7, 2005, 11:29am
So now you are saying you ate my cookies?
March 7, 2005, 12:33pm
Hmmm… I ordered some girl scout cookies, where are they?
Re: Girl Scout Cookies
Eat the crumbs. Everybody knows that cookie crumbs don’t have any calories.
March 7, 2005, 3:15pm
So far this month I’ve consumed:
2 Boxes of Caramel Delights
2 Boxes of Peanutbutter Patties
1 box of Peppermint dealiemabobs
and some of tose GS animal cracker/cookies.
Soooo fricken tasty. I’m almost tempted to hold a GS hostage for a lifetime supply, but I doubt it would go over well.
Are girl scout cookies made with real girl scouts? I guess they are not suitable for vegitarians.
ps- I really do want to know what makes them girl scout cookies?
March 8, 2005, 7:40am
Every year the Girl Scouts sell cookies as a fundraiser. It is a huge money maker for them.
Here is a link that will tell you more.
Here is a better link
What makes them Girl Scout cookies is that they are sold by The Girl Scouts of the United States of America . They are produced by Little Brownie Bakers .
so how can you say, without a doubt that they are so delicious?
surely some girl scouts are awful cooks
We have Girl Guide cookies instead of scouts.
I think they’re basically the smae things.