I bought this birthday card a couple of months ago on impulse with no intension to send it to anyone, just because I thought it was amusing. I might send it to myself on my next birthday so I can keep it.
Anyway here’s the scan if you haven’t already seen it.
About 10 years ago I bought several copies of a card that had a picture
on the front of a chicken juggling while riding a unicycle. The caption
on the front was something along the lines of “Some people like to give
cards with stunning visual imagery”, while the message inside was
something like “while the sort of people you know prefer a picture of a
chicken juggling while riding a unicycle”.
I think I’ve still got one left somewhere, but it’s not where I
expected it to be so I am regrettably unable to scan it.
Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” - Thomas Paine
I found it in sainsburys supermarket, havn’t sent it to any one yet… any one know when Connie Cotters birthday is, coz I recon she should be sent one. They look like TCUC parade group riders to me.