Getting the cops called on you.

So me and some friends went out tonight to the edge of town to play airsoft today and some lady that lived nearby saw us taking out our airsoft guns and she thought they were real and called the cops on us.

So after a couple of games we were walking back to the cars to reload and there was a cop armed with a shotgun

so we laid the guns down and then he started yelling orders at us and told us to walk towards him with our hands in the air.:stuck_out_tongue:

He did background checks on all of us and then examined the guns and made us leave.

He said we were lucky that we laid the guns down when we did because there were four of use and 1 of him so he would not have been looking closely enough to see the orange tips.

So have any of you had cops with shotguns called on you.:slight_smile:

Hah, that’s a pretty cool story.

Cops always get called to parties where I live but they dont come armed with shotguns. You are very lucky to have something not happen because as you said he is thinking they are real and there are more of you than him so it might have turned out worse.

But how do you play that game?

Its like paint ball but more military style we were doing teams of 2 and free for all games But the guns are more realistic than paintball hence the cops

we had a ak 47 a shotgun and a g 36 that were realistic looking but orange caps and the another clear shotgun and clear mini mp5.

oh ok yeah I get ya, and also why the cops were called when you had guns like that.

There you go

Wikipedia has a section in the Airsoft article titled: Hazards of being mistaken for a real firearm

How “edge of town” were you?

the cop said that we were still within city limits even though we were playing in the middle of the desert at least 1 square mile. with mesquite bush for cover.
we parked in the desert near a trailer park and unloaded and then walked out into the desert

so i think if we would have taken the box of guns out into the desert and unloaded there we wouldn’t have had a problem.

Hazards of being mistaken for a real firearm and thats why you put the gun down and not point it at a cop like a dumb@$$

but notifying the cops might be a good idea also didnt think of that before.

The wikipedia article also mentions that some people are calling the police to tell them they’ll be playing Airsoft in an area so they don’t have to get all SWAT on you. Seems smart. But probably best to use the regular number and not 911.

It was pretty funny though because wen he was questioning us he asked if we were in any trouble meaning prior trouble like probation or something which none of us were we are all good advanced placement kids, but but one of my friends thought it was a rhetorical question or something and said “yes, well i think so” what are you supposed to say when a cop with a shotgun asks if your in trouble.:stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I’m having some reading comprehension problems. :thinking:

At least you can laugh about it now.

Alerting the police before you go out to play with toys like that seems much more obvious in hindsight. It’s not the kind of thing that comes to mind until after it is either strongly suggested to you or you experience the problem you had first or second hand.

It’s also compounded by the fact that a teenagers brain processing is still in development. The learning to process and respond to cause and effect rather than just the here and now comes later in development. You’ll learn all about that when you take psychology in college. Then you’ll be able to look back and say “gee, so that’s why I was (or am) so impulsive as a teenager”.

yeah it does seem obvious.
oh well it was pretty funny and we found another spot thats almost as good and more secluded to play at not far away. thats the benefit of having a small desert community lots of open land

Pellet guns that look like real deal challenge police:

"Popular new pellet guns that look remarkably like lethal weapons have gotten at least one teenager killed in Florida and caused scares at schools across the country in recent months…

…Toy guns — airsoft guns included — are required under federal law to have a bright orange tip to distinguish them from real weapons. But some people remove or blacken the tips.

That was the case last January in Seminole County, Fla., where 15-year-old Christopher Penley was shot to death by a SWAT officer while brandishing an airsoft pistol at a school. The muzzle of the 9mm-lookalike had been painted black.

“These replica firearms pose a problem not only for law enforcement, but I think the community as a whole,” Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Steven Harriett said Tuesday. “It’s certainly a very difficult situation for a law-enforcement officer to process whether or not they’re facing an assailant who is clearly armed with a firearm that could cause harm to them, when these manufacturers make them so realistic.”"

Any questions?

yeah why posting such an off topic safety post?

We were in the desert alone not in public
we did not brandish weapons at the cop we put them on the ground
we did not have the orange tips removed

I concur that I don’t think you were doing anything wrong, but I don’t blame the woman for calling the cops and I don’t blame the cops for pulling their gun on you.

Why do airsoft guns need to look like real guns, why can’t they look like this?

Times have changed

When I was growing up in CT in the 70’s, we would go out shooting at plastic pigeons tossed by a spring loaded gizmo. Then shoot at them with 20 Gauge shotguns. Also shoot at cans and stuff with real pistols. This was called plinking.

A few people did complain about the noise, but the cops never came. A lot of us brought guns to school in our cars, nobody thought anything of it. Nobody ever thought of coming to my school and shooting it up either. Cause if someone else didn’t shoot the nut first, I would have. :roll_eyes:

There was no metal detectors or security guards back then, just us!:slight_smile:

good old drug loaded gun carrying hippies:p

yeah i dont blame them either the orange tis are hard to see like i said we had a couple clear plastic guns but when you start buying better guns all you can get is realistic looking guns

one of them is a hundred dollar ak (my friends) and it is made out of metal and plastic wood inserts that look like real wood and it is about the weight of a real ak so if you removed the tip you wouldn’t have any idea it was fake till you fired it

bummer man
lucky you didnt get shot tho
i had the cops called on me once, but it was for fireworks/crackers (the silent killer)

Have I got this right: in a country which is paranoid about terrorism, and in which hundreds of people are shot and killed or injured by criminals every year, someone called the police because they saw a group of people running around with realistic-looking assault rifles and pistols? Sheesh! What’re the odds on that? :roll_eyes: