Getting paid to unicycle

I am 1/3 of a group called ‘Busker Circus’ me, a juggler, and a drummer/entertainer (on of the drummers in TWNR’s NY special feature)

we are booked in schools, several cold bookings, and judging by the great reception we got fromt he school today, word of mouth twill spread quickly.

I make $100 for an hour’s work. unicycling.

Can’t complain about that!

I don’t remember that special feature.

the special feature was 14mins of the East Coast MUni weekend with bongo drums playing as the soundtrack (not of this busker circus i’m talking about, i was just identifying the drunmmer)

What all did you do? Just a choreographed freestyle routine?

came out once with the trials, did very basic stuff, once with the giraffe, rode around a bit, dribbled and dunked a basket ball, came out with the schlumpf and circled the crowd like a madman


it’s much easier to entertain schoolkids than unicyclers :slight_smile:

came out once with the trials, did very basic stuff, once with the giraffe, rode around a bit, dribbled and dunked a basket ball, came out with the schlumpf and circled the crowd like a madman


it’s much easier to entertain schoolkids than unicyclers :slight_smile:

Wow! Now if you could do that 40 hours per week, that would be some pretty good money! :roll_eyes:

I dunno, that sounds an awful lot like work

It would be better if you all unicycled, juggled, and played drums.

Not really considering that’s actually less than most full-time employees put in per week; and they’re damn lucky if they’re doing something that they love! Ok, so howabout just 20 hours per week? That would be a scant $8,000 per month. That’s decent pocket change I guess.

What website are you using? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a good deal higher than median income, and about the same as median income for a college graduate with an associate’s.

It’s a good deal higher than median income, and about the same as median income for a college graduate with an associate’s.

Well, $100 per hour is astronomically higher than the average income of a single person in the USA. Of course, the type of bookings that pay that consitently are not growing on trees, and most performers who make this hourly wage and higher are lucky to get just a few of these booking per month, unless they’re “name” acts with management and at least one agent.

It was in Canadian

Still $86.30 USD. Close enough. :sunglasses:

If you’re using the $8000/month statistic, then that’s actually a very handsome income, even if you’re just looking at college grads (obviously not considering phd’s and some master’s).

Of course, I’m basing this off of what my family makes, which is farrr less than that.

Yeah … I’m a PhD working full time (university professor) and my wife is an MA who works a little under half-time (public school teacher). We don’t make that much a month, together, before taxes. If only … Of course, education has never been a profession renowned for high salaries. But at least we both really like our work, which is more than many can say.

Sounds pretty good, you don’t have to split that three ways do you?

I’m scheduled this summer to do a trials show for about a total hour a day for a couple days at the State Fair for $500 a day. Of course, I have to pay for trials props, and stuff.

I did the same last year, but for $500 total for 4 days. Had to spend money to make more money…

Yeah there are sometimes opportunities to make a good lump sum for a single performance. I did a commercial in NY a few years ago and made a cool $3,750 for basically 30 minutes work! My hotel, airfare and all expenses were also paid.

Then I did a guest star role on “Nikki” a while back and made about $3,500. That gig took a little longer, but it was like half a day’s work, and most of that time was spent playing cards with other actors in my dressing room while we waited to be called on set!:smiley:

PS: It’s so cool! O found the “Nikki” episode guide and found my name in the guest start credits:

I’ve never heard of that show before. The only things I remember Nikki Cox doing was Las Vegas and that show where her dad was always talking to a bunny (which couldn’t have survived two episodes if she wasn’t such nice eye candy.) Sounds like an awesome gig though. How did you get involved? Did you do some Muni? I thought your day job was tuning pianos.